Installation and Configuration of Yum in Red Hat Linux 8

Yellowdog Updater Modifier sums as YUM and this is a PMT (Package Management Tool) for the RedHat Package Manager. YUM has been used for quite a long time. But, now in RHEL 8, we have a modest version of “yum” called “dnf” stands for Dandified YUM. Although both the commands work fine in Redhat 8 Linux but dnf is much faster, as some of the bugs have been removed.

Installing Yum to RHEL 8

Step 1: First move to the given location in RHEL 8 Linux CD or if you are using any virtual software then attach the iso or image file to the virtual machine and move to the location or folder below.


Step 2: Now open the terminal in the same folder where your rpm is present, and run the command given below.

Open Terminal

Step 3: Here search for yum and you must get an rpm package, copy the name of the package.

Search yum

rpm -i yum- # replace the name of yum to the copied name

Install yum

Step 4: Now Type “yum” on the terminal and hit enter, if you see the output as below then yum has been installed.

Yum confirmation

Yum Can be Configured in 2 Ways 1. Manually 2. Using External Software/Program

Manually Configuration

Step 1: Go to

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ 

yum repository directory

Here you will get some files with extension as .repo. You could edit these files or can create a file and add the repository URL to it. Step 2: Create a repository file

gedit myyum.repo

create file

Step 3: Type the code and Save. Before this, you must check your BaseOS CD-ROM name and replace it by RHEL-8-0-0-BaseOs-x86_64 and do the rest of it the same.

   [reponame1]    # this is repository name
   baseurl=file:///run/media/root/RHEL-8-0-0-BaseOS-x86_64/AppStream   #this is baseurl for the rhel 8 disk file
   gpgcheck=0     #this is to allow installation without any security check and delays.


repository code

Using External Software

We can use external software or programs to configure yum for us. Two of these programs are epel and fusion. These create some repository files as we created manually and then add the baseurl for different software and programs for the respective version of Linux.

sudo dnf install --nogpgcheck

installing fusion program

Configuring yum using external programs is the most suitable and used method in the community, as it has reduced the headache of dependencies( explained below). Why we really need YUM, DNF, APT-GET, and these kinds of software or programs? Let us take an example to understand this. Suppose a wedding is there and you are the person who has to organize everything in the marriage. There are lots of tasks like:

  • venue decision,
  • catering,
  • decoration,
  • Invitation card etc.

So all the work has to be done by you and only you, from invitation to decoration. If you want to send an invitation card then the first contact with the printing press and decide the color, shape, and all that, these things are called dependencies. To complete a task there is some more task to be done first. But what if, you hire someone to do this job. Then you just have to give the orders and the work will be done in no time, without worry. Similarly, yum, dnf and apt-get are hired software that does the work for the user, from installation to uninstalling the program and many more. This program has reduced the work of solving dependencies. Like if you want to install any software then these programs will install the most suitable software available according to your architecture. This is the big and short reason for the requirement of these kinds of programs.

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