Inserting M into N such that m starts at bit j and ends at bit i | Set-2

Given two 32-bit numbers, N and M, and two-bit positions, i and j. Write a method to insert M into N such that M starts at bit j and ends at bit i. You can assume that the bits j through i have enough space to fit all of M. Assuming index start from 0.

a)  N = 1024 (10000000000),
    M = 19 (10011),
    i = 2, j = 6 
    Output : 1100 (10001001100)
b)  N = 1201 (10010110001)
    M = 8 (1000)
    i = 3, j = 6
    Output: 1217 (10011000001)

This problem has been already discussed in the previous post. In this post, a different approach is discussed. 
Approach: The idea is very straightforward, following is the stepwise procedure –  

  • Capture all the bits before i in N, that is from i-1 to 0.
  • We don’t want to alter those bits so we will capture them and use later
  • Clear all bits from j to 0
  • Insert M into N at position j to i
  • Insert captured bits at their respective position ie. from i-1 to 0

Let’s try to solve example b for a clear explanation of the procedure.

Capturing bits i-1 to 0 in N:
Create a mask whose i-1 to 0 bits are 1 and rest are 0. Shift 1 to i position in left and subtract 1 from this to get a bit mask having i-1 to 0 bits set.  

capture_mask = ( 1 << i ) - 1  

So for example b, mask will be –  

capture_mask = ( 1 << 3 ) - 1 
Now capture_mask = 1(001)

Now AND this mask with N, i-1 to 0 bits will remain same while rest bits become 0. Thus we are left with i-1 to 0 bits only.  

captured_bits = N & capture_mask

for example b, captured bits will be – 

captured_bits = N & capture_mask
Now capture_mask = 1 (001)

Clearing bits from j to 0 in N:
Since bits have been captured, clear the bits j to 0 without losing bits i-1 to 0. Create a mask whose j to 0 bits are 0 while the rest are 1. Create such mask by shifting -1 to j+1 position in left.  

clear_mask = -1 << ( j + 1 )

Now to clear bits j to 0, AND mask with N.  

N  &= clear_mask 

For example b will be: 

N &= clear_mask 
Now N = 1152 (10010000000)

Inserting M in N:

Now because N has bits from j to 0 cleared, just fit in M into N and shift M i position to left to align the MSB of M with position j in N.  

M <<= i

For example b-  

M <<= 3
Now M = 8 << 3 = 64 (1000000)

Do a OR of M with N to insert M at desired position.  

N |= M

For example b – 

N |= M 
Now N = 1152 | 64 = 1216 (10011000000) 

Inserting captured bits into N:

Till now M has been inserted into N. Now the only thing left is merging back the captured bits at position i-1 to 0. This can be simply done by OR of N and captured bits –  

N |= captured_bits

For example b –  

N |= captured_bits
N = 1216 | 1 = 1217 (10011000001)

So finally after insertion, the below bitset is obtained. 

N(before) = 1201 (10010110001)
N(after) = 1201 (10011000001)

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program to insert 32-bit number
// M into N using bit magic
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// print binary representation of n
void bin(unsigned n)
    if (n > 1)
        bin(n / 2);
    printf("%d", n % 2);
// Insert m into n
int insertion(int n, int m, int i, int j)
    int clear_mask = -1 << (j + 1);
    int capture_mask = (1 << i) - 1;
    // Capturing bits from i-1 to 0
    int captured_bits = n & capture_mask;
    // Clearing bits from j to 0
    n &= clear_mask;
    // Shifting m to align with n
    m = m << i;
    // Insert m into n
    n |= m;
    // Insert captured bits
    n |= captured_bits;
    return n;
// Driver Code
int main()
    // print original bitset
    int N = 1201, M = 8, i = 3, j = 6;
    cout << "N = " << N << "(";
    cout << ")"
         << "\n";
    // print original bitset
    cout << "M = " << M << "(";
    cout << ")"
         << "\n";
    // Call function to insert M to N
    N = insertion(N, M, i, j);
    cout << "After inserting M into N from 3 to 6"
         << "\n";
    // Print the inserted bitset
    cout << "N = " << N << "(";
    cout << ")"
         << "\n";
    return 0;


// Java program to insert
// 32-bit number M into N
// using bit magic
class GFG
// print binary
// representation of n
static void bin(long n)
    if (n > 1)
        bin(n / 2);
    System.out.print(n % 2);
// Insert m into n
static int insertion(int n, int m,
                     int i, int j)
    int clear_mask = -1 << (j + 1);
    int capture_mask = (1 << i) - 1;
    // Capturing bits from i-1 to 0
    int captured_bits = n & capture_mask;
    // Clearing bits from j to 0
    n &= clear_mask;
    // Shifting m to align with n
    m = m << i;
    // Insert m into n
    n |= m;
    // Insert captured bits
    n |= captured_bits;
    return n;
// Driver Code
public static void main (String[] args)
    // print original bitset
    int N = 1201, M = 8, i = 3, j = 6;
    System.out.print("N = " + N + "(");
    // print original bitset
    System.out.print("M = " + M + "(");
    // Call function to insert M to N
    N = insertion(N, M, i, j);
    System.out.println( "After inserting M " +
                        "into N from 3 to 6");
    // Print the inserted bitset
    System.out.print("N = " + N + "(");
// This code is contributed
// by inder_verma.


# Python 3 program to insert 32-bit number
# M into N using bit magic
# insert M into N
def insertion(n, m, i, j):
    clear_mask = -1 << (j + 1)
    capture_mask = (1 << i) - 1
    # Capturing bits from i-1 to 0
    captured_bits = n & capture_mask
    # Clearing bits from j to 0
    n &= clear_mask
    # Shifting m to align with n
    m = m << i
    # Insert m into n
    n |= m
    # Insert captured bits
    n |= captured_bits
    return n
# Driver
def main():
    N = 1201; M = 8; i = 3; j = 6
    print("N = {}({})".format(N, bin(N)))
    print("M = {}({})".format(M, bin(M)))
    N = insertion(N, M, i, j)
    print("***After inserting M into N***")
    print("N = {}({})".format(N, bin(N)))
if __name__ == '__main__':


// C# program to insert
// 32-bit number M into N
// using bit magic
using System;
class GFG
// print binary
// representation of n
static void bin(long n)
    if (n > 1)
        bin(n / 2);
    Console.Write(n % 2);
// Insert m into n
static int insertion(int n, int m,
                     int i, int j)
    int clear_mask = -1 << (j + 1);
    int capture_mask = (1 << i) - 1;
    // Capturing bits from i-1 to 0
    int captured_bits = n & capture_mask;
    // Clearing bits from j to 0
    n &= clear_mask;
    // Shifting m to align with n
    m = m << i;
    // Insert m into n
    n |= m;
    // Insert captured bits
    n |= captured_bits;
    return n;
// Driver Code
static public void Main (String []args)
    // print original bitset
    int N = 1201, M = 8, i = 3, j = 6;
    Console.Write("N = " + N + "(");
    // print original bitset
    Console.Write("M = " + M + "(");
    // Call function to
    // insert M to N
    N = insertion(N, M, i, j);
    Console.WriteLine("After inserting M " +
                      "into N from 3 to 6");
    // Print the inserted bitset
    Console.Write("N = " + N + "(");
// This code is contributed
// by Arnab Kundu


// PHP program to insert 32-bit number
// M into N using bit magic
// print binary representation of n
function bin($n)
    if ($n > 1)
        bin($n / 2);
    echo $n % 2;
// Insert m into n
function insertion($n, $m, $i, $j)
    $clear_mask = -1 << ($j + 1);
    $capture_mask = (1 << $i) - 1;
    // Capturing bits from i-1 to 0
    $captured_bits = $n & $capture_mask;
    // Clearing bits from j to 0
    $n &= $clear_mask;
    // Shifting m to align with n
    $m = $m << $i;
    // Insert m into n
    $n |= $m;
    // Insert captured bits
    $n |= $captured_bits;
    return $n;
// Driver Code
// print original bitset
$N = 1201;
$M = 8;
$i = 3;
$j = 6;
echo "N = " . $N ."(";
echo ")" ."\n";
// print original bitset
echo "M = " . $M ."(";
echo ")". "\n";
// Call function to insert M to N
$N = insertion($N, $M, $i, $j);
echo "After inserting M into N " .
              "from 3 to 6" ."\n";
// Print the inserted bitset
echo "N = " . $N . "(";
echo ")". "\n";
// This code is contributed
// by ChitraNayal


// Javascript program to insert
// 32-bit number M into N
// using bit magic
    // print binary
// representation of n
    function bin(n)
        if (n > 1)
            bin(Math.floor(n / 2));
        document.write(n % 2);
    // Insert m into n
    function insertion(n,m,i,j)
        let clear_mask = -1 << (j + 1);
    let capture_mask = (1 << i) - 1;
    // Capturing bits from i-1 to 0
    let captured_bits = n & capture_mask;
    // Clearing bits from j to 0
    n &= clear_mask;
    // Shifting m to align with n
    m = m << i;
    // Insert m into n
    n |= m;
    // Insert captured bits
    n |= captured_bits;
    return n;
    // Driver Code
    // print original bitset
    let N = 1201, M = 8, i = 3, j = 6;
    document.write("N = " + N + "(");
    // print original bitset
    document.write("M = " + M + "(");
    // Call function to insert M to N
    N = insertion(N, M, i, j);
    document.write( "After inserting M " +
                        "into N from 3 to 6<br>");
    // Print the inserted bitset
    document.write("N = " + N + "(");
// This code is contributed by rag2127


N = 1201(10010110001)
M = 8(1000)
After inserting M into N from 3 to 6
N = 1217(10011000001)


Time complexity: O(log(M)+log(N))=O(log(M*N)
Auxiliary space: O(1)

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