Insects Name in English: List of 100+ Common Insects

Insects are the biggest group of animals that make up around 75% of all species on Earth. Insects belong to Insecta species. They are part of the arthropods group, including spiders, ticks, centipedes, lobsters, and crabs. Insect bodies are divided into three main parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen.

Check the list of 100+ insect names in English from the below table.

Insects name in english

List of Insect Names in English

Following is the list of 100+ common insects name in table below.

S.No. Insect Name
1 Ant
2 Bee
3 Butterfly
4 Mosquito
5 Grasshopper
6 Ladybug
7 Dragonfly
8 Cockroach
9 Cricket
10 Firefly
11 Moth
12 Beetle
13 Fly
14 Wasp
15 Termite
16 Flea
17 Caterpillar
18 Praying mantis
19 Aphid
20 Housefly
21 Hornet
22 Weevil
23 Damselfly
24 Bedbug
25 Leafhopper
26 Stink bug
27 Earwig
28 Gnat
29 Horsefly
30 Silverfish
31 Tarantula
32 Centipede
33 Pillbug
34 Scorpion
35 Spider
36 Tick
37 Walking stick
38 Yellow jacket
39 Monarch butterfly
40 Crane fly
41 Bumblebee
42 Hercules beetle
43 Luna moth
44 Fruit fly
45 Honeybee
46 Tiger beetle
47 Katydid
48 Praying mantid
49 Assassin bug
50 Mayfly
51 Black widow spider
52 Mosquito hawk
53 Blue morpho butterfly
54 Carpenter ant
55 Red admiral butterfly
56 Cicada
57 Tsetse fly
58 Dung beetle
59 Fire ant
60 Green lacewing
61 Hornworm
62 Jumping spider
63 Lacewing
64 Longhorn beetle
65 Midge
66 Milkweed bug
67 Orb weaver spider
68 Paper wasp
69 Peacock butterfly
70 Pond skater
71 Potato beetle
72 Preying mantis
73 Rose chafer
74 Silverfish
75 Sowbug
76 Stick insect
77 Stonefly
78 Swallowtail butterfly
79 Thread waisted wasp
80 Velvet ant
81 Walking stick insect
82 Water strider
83 Woolly bear caterpillar
84 Zebra longwing butterfly
85 American burying beetle
86 Anise swallowtail butterfly
87 Aphid lion
88 Bagworm moth
89 Bee fly
90 Bessbug
91 Boll weevil
92 Boxelder bug
93 Cabbage looper
94 Cecropia moth
95 Checkered beetle
96 Cicada killer wasp
97 Click beetle
98 Clouded sulphur butterfly
99 Cockchafer
100 Common blue butterfly

Unlike some other arthropods, insects have three main body parts and six legs. This sets them apart from spiders, which have eight legs. Insects also have at least one pair of antennas on their heads, which help them sense their surroundings.

Insects are found everywhere. They can survive in cold places, hot forests, deserts, mountains, caves, and even in freshwater. Some insects can even live in salty water.

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40 Home Insects name in Hindi

Here is the list of 40+ common insects name.

Sl No.

English Name

Hindi Name

1 Ant चींटी
2 Bee मधुमक्खी
3 Butterfly तितली
4 Mosquito मच्छर
5 Grasshopper टिड्डी
6 Ladybug चीता
7 Dragonfly तत्तू
8 Cockroach कॉकरोच
9 Cricket करीट
10 Firefly जुगनू
11 Moth पतंग
12 Beetle बीटल
13 Fly मक्खी
14 Wasp वास्प
15 Termite दीमक
16 Flea कुटीर
17 Caterpillar कैटरपिलर
18 Praying mantis प्रेइंग मांटिस
19 Aphid एफिड
20 Housefly मक्खी
21 Hornet हॉर्नेट
22 Weevil खटमल
23 Damselfly जल तत्तू
24 Bedbug खटमल
25 Leafhopper पत्ते का भौंरा
26 Stink bug बदबूदार बगुला
27 Earwig झिमकी
28 Gnat मुंह का मक्खी
29 Horsefly घोड़े की मक्खी
30 Silverfish चिपकली
31 Tarantula तारंगणा
32 Centipede कालिपिड़ी
33 Pillbug गेड़ा
34 Scorpion बिच्छू
35 Spider मकड़ी
36 Tick टिक
37 Walking stick वॉकिंग स्टिक
38 Yellow jacket पीला जैकेट
39 Monarch butterfly मोनार्क तितली
40 Crane fly सारस की मक्खी

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Facts about different species

Here is the some interesting facts about the insects as mentioned below.


  • Some ant species form colonies with millions of individuals.
  • Ants communicate through pheromones.
  • Certain ants can lift objects many times their own weight.
  • They cultivate fungi as a food source in some colonies.
  • Ants play a crucial role in ecosystems and controls pest populations.


  • Butterflies taste with their feet to locate host plants.
  • Numerous butterfly species migrate thousands of miles seasonally.
  • Wings adorned with reflective scales produce vibrant colors.
  • Complete metamorphosis: caterpillar to butterfly.
  • Vital pollinators for diverse plants and crops.


  • Bees are essential pollinators for plants, including crops.
  • Honeybees communicate food source locations through intricate dances.
  • Bees make honey by regurgitating and dehydrating flower nectar.
  • The buzzing of bees results from their rapid wing beats, approximately 200 beats per second.
  • Some bee species, like the solitary mason bee, build nests using mud.


  • Only female mosquitoes bite humans and animals for egg production.
  • Mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide, body heat, and specific host chemicals.
  • They transmit diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and Zika virus.
  • Mosquito larvae inhabit water and mature into adults within days to weeks.
  • Some species detect hosts from up to 100 feet away.


  • Grasshoppers have powerful hind legs for jumping.
  • Some species can produce sounds through stridulation.
  • They are herbivores, causing crop damage in large numbers.
  • Grasshoppers undergo incomplete metamorphosis (egg, nymph, adult).
  • They have compound eyes for wide vision, aiding predator detection.


  • Ladybugs, aka ladybirds, are beneficial insects.
  • They prey on aphids and other garden pests.
  • Bright red/orange color warns predators of bad taste/toxicity.
  • Can retract heads into bodies for protection.
  • Hibernate in large groups during winter.
  • Various species have spots, stripes, or no markings.


  • Dragonflies are exceptional flyers and can maneuver in all directions, even backward and sideways.
  • They possess compound eyes granting them nearly 360-degree vision.
  • Voracious predators, they prey on mosquitoes, flies, and other small insects.
  • Their nymph larvae inhabit water bodies, also preying on aquatic insects and tadpoles.
  • Dragonflies are among the oldest insect species, existing for millions of years.


  • Cockroaches resilient: Survive weeks sans food or water.
  • Speedy creatures: Run up to 3 miles/hr.
  • Body flexibility: Flatten to fit through small cracks.
  • Defensive mechanism: Emit foul-smelling alarm pheromone.
  • Versatile feeders: Scavenge on various organic matter.


  • Male crickets produce chirping sounds to attract females and establish territory by rubbing their wings together.
  • Cricket chirping rate is influenced by temperature, with warmer temperatures leading to faster chirping.
  • They are nocturnal insects, preferring activity during the night and resting during the day.
  • Crickets are omnivorous, feeding on plant matter, fungi, and small insects.
  • In certain cultures, crickets are symbols of good luck or prosperity.


  • Fireflies produce light via bioluminescence in their abdomen.
  • Each firefly species has a unique flashing pattern for mate attraction.
  • Light pollution can disrupt fireflies’ mating signals.
  • They spend most of their lives as larvae, feeding on small organisms in soil or water.
  • Fireflies are harmless to humans and are enjoyed for their mesmerizing light displays in summer.


  • Moths mistaken for butterflies, typically nocturnal with muted colours.
  • Many moth species crucial as pollinators, particularly active at night.
  • Some, like Luna moth, have intricate wing patterns for camouflage.
  • Moths detect mates through sensitive antennae and pheromones.
  • Attracted to light sources, leading to accidents with artificial lights and flames.


  • Largest group of insects, with 350,000+ species.
  • Vary in shapes, sizes, colors.
  • Hardened forewings protecting delicate hindwings and body.
  • Many species break down organic matter, recycle nutrients.
  • Some beetles (e.g., bombardier beetle) produce noxious chemicals.


  • Flies are agile fliers, adept at swift and precise aerial maneuvers.
  • They possess proboscis for feeding on liquids like nectar, blood, or decaying substances.
  • Some species lay hundreds of eggs at once, showcasing rapid reproductive rates.
  • Certain flies, such as the common housefly, serve as disease vectors, transmitting pathogens to humans and animals.
  • Flies contribute to ecosystems as pollinators, decomposers, and a food source for various animals.


  • Wasps are closely related to bees and ants, belonging to the order Hymenoptera.
  • Unlike bees, most wasp species are carnivorous, feeding on insects, spiders, or other small animals.
  • Some wasps are solitary, while others live in colonies with complex social structures.
  • Many wasps possess stingers for defense and subduing prey.
  • Certain species of wasps serve as biological control agents, managing pest populations in agriculture.


  • Termites are social insects with colonies comprising workers, soldiers, and reproductive individuals.
  • They consume cellulose-rich materials such as wood, paper, and plant fibers.
  • Termites contribute to ecosystems by decomposing dead and decaying plant matter.
  • Certain termite species construct complex nests called termitariums, featuring tall structures and advanced ventilation.
  • Termites are infamous pests, responsible for significant damage to buildings and structures globally.


  • Fleas are small, wingless insects feeding on mammal and bird blood.
  • They possess powerful hind legs enabling impressive jumps.
  • Fleas transmit diseases like bubonic plague and murine typhus.
  • Female fleas lay hundreds of eggs in hosts’ fur or bedding.
  • Fleas undergo complete metamorphosis: egg, larva, pupa, adult.

Why Should We Learn Insects Names?

Learning insect names aids understanding of their environmental role. Insects are pollinators, soil nutrient mixers, and food sources. They contribute to agriculture, soil aeration, and the food chain. Insects contribute to cultural insights and inspire stories and inventions. They assist in solving crimes through forensic entomology.

Insects are found in diverse habitats with various sizes, shapes, colors, biology, and life histories. It is crucial for food production as many foods rely on insect pollination.


Insects help people and animals in different ways. Some eat harmful bugs, while others are food for animals. Some insects make things like honey and silk. Flowers need insects like bees to reproduce by spreading pollen. Insects have many ways to stay safe, like blending in with their surroundings.

Some insects live alone, while others live in groups. They eat plants, animals, and other living things. Most insects hatch from eggs, but some are born alive.

Insects Name in English – FAQs

What are the 10 names of insects?

Names of 10 Insects are:

  • Ant.
  • Bee.
  • Butterfly.
  • Mosquito.
  • Ladybug.
  • Grasshopper.
  • Dragonfly.
  • Spider.

What is the general name of insects?

In common speech, insects and other terrestrial arthropods are often called bugs. Entomologists to some extent reserve the name “bugs” for a narrow category of “true bugs”, insects of the order Hemiptera, such as cicadas and shield bugs.

What are the 4 types of insects?

The four types of Insects species are Coleoptera (beetles), Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), Hymenoptera (ants, bees, wasps), and Diptera (true flies).

What is common in all insects?

Insects have three body parts: a head, a thorax, an abdomen, they have six legs, they have a pair of antennae, and they have zero or two pairs of wings.

What are the two kinds of insects?

Insects present all over the world are classified into two main groups. They are wingless (Apterygota) and winged ones (Pterygota).

What are the names of three useful insects?

Apis (Honey bee), Bombyx (Silkworm) and Laccifer (Lac insect) are economically important insects, as we get honey, silk and lac (from which shellac and certain red dyes are produced) respectively from them.

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