Inplace Operators in Python | Set 2 (ixor(), iand(), ipow(),…)

More functions are discussed in this articles.

1. ixor() :- This function is used to assign and xor the current value. This operation does “a^ = b” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples.

2. ipow() :- This function is used to assign and exponentiate the current value. This operation does “a ** = b” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples.

# Python code to demonstrate the working of 
# ixor() and ipow()
# importing operator to handle operator operations
import operator
# using ixor() to exclusive or and assign value
x = operator.ixor(10,5);
# printing the modified value
print ("The value after xoring and assigning : ",end="")
print (x)
# using ipow() to exponentiate and assign value
x = operator.ipow(5,4);
# printing the modified value
print ("The value after exponentiating and assigning : ",end="")
print (x)


The value after xoring and assigning : 15
The value after exponentiating and assigning : 625

3. iand() :- This function is used to assign and bitwise and the current value. This operation does “a &= b” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples.

4. ior() :- This function is used to assign and bitwise or the current value. This operation does “a |=b ” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples.

# Python code to demonstrate the working of 
# ior() and iand()
# importing operator to handle operator operations
import operator
# using ior() to or, and assign value
x = operator.ior(10,5);
# printing the modified value
print ("The value after bitwise or, and assigning : ",end="")
print (x)
# using iand() to and, and assign value
x = operator.iand(5,4);
# printing the modified value
print ("The value after bitwise and, and assigning : ",end="")
print (x)


The value after bitwise or, and assigning : 15
The value after bitwise and, and assigning : 4

5. ilshift() :- This function is used to assign and bitwise leftshift the current value by second argument. This operation does “a <<=b ” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples.

6. irshift() :- This function is used to assign and bitwise rightshift the current value by second argument. This operation does “a >>=b ” operation. Assigning is not performed in case of immutable containers, such as strings, numbers and tuples.

# Python code to demonstrate the working of 
# ilshift() and irshift()
# importing operator to handle operator operations
import operator
# using ilshift() to bitwise left shift and assign value
x = operator.ilshift(8,2);
# printing the modified value
print ("The value after bitwise left shift and assigning : ",end="")
print (x)
# using irshift() to bitwise right shift and assign value
x = operator.irshift(8,2);
# printing the modified value
print ("The value after bitwise right shift and assigning : ",end="")
print (x)


The value after bitwise left shift and assigning : 32
The value after bitwise right shift and assigning : 2

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