Infosys Interview Experience | InfyTQ Upgrade Test 2020

Hello Everyone, I am here to share my InfyTQ selection Process Experience with you all. So, Basically, this Exam is divided into 3 rounds.

Round 1: My 1st Round was Conducted in the last week of Feb 2020. And This exam is divided into 2 sections and each section having 20 questions. Section1 had Aptitude Question which is of Basic to Medium level. And section2 had Objective type Question which is of Medium to High level and this question is from Programming Language (we have a choice between Python & Java Only: Which we have to choose during slot Booking), Data Structure, DBMS(MySQL and 1 question is from MongoDB).

I Got my result after 3-4 days. And I Qualified for Round2.

Note: Study material available on InfyTQ is best for clearing section2 of Round1 and it also helps you in Round2 (As the difficulty level and question type are almost the same.) But, the material is only available in Python programming language.

Round 2: After getting my round1 result, My round 2 Exams were scheduled for the first week of March. But, Due to COVID-19, it is scheduled a few more times. And finally, it is conducted on the 3rd week of June. This exam also had 2 sections. Section1 had 2 Coding Questions, 1 question was easy and another was medium. Section 2 is the same as round 1.

I got my result, in the first week of July and I also qualify for this exam.

Interview: My Interview was scheduled for 2nd October. And I got the mail just 2 days before the interview. My Interview was 17-18 min. long. The question that the interviewer asked:

Interview Begins with my Introduction.

  1. Which programming language do you choose for the exam? (Ans. Python)
  2. Why you choose/ learn python? Why not another language?
  3. What is Exception Handling?
  4. What is Tuple?
  5. What is DBMS?
  6. What is RDBMS?
  7. What is Data structure?
  8. What is a Linked list?
  9. Type of linked list?
  10. What is OOPs concept?
  11. What is Encapsulation?
  12. Ask About My projects?

The last question was on my Hobbies- which game you are playing now as PUBG is banned?

I got my interview result on the 7th of December through the mail, where it is mentioned that I am selected for the role of System Engineer at Infosys. And I also have an exclusive opportunity to appear for the selection for a higher role such as System Engineer specialist and power programmer. And If I do not qualify for the higher role through the upgrade test, then you will retain the role of System Engineer at Infosys. 

Upgrade Test: My upgrade exam was scheduled for 13 of December and I got my mail just before 3 days. The upgrade test was conducted on Hacker Earth and it was not a web-protected exam. This exam has 3 coding Questions – Easy( 50 points), Medium (75 points), Hard (100 points), total 225 points, and the points are assigned according to the number of test cases you pass.

(EASY- 50 points) Question 1: Write a program to add all the natural number till N, but not In decimal, do it in binary.


input: 2(value of N)
output: 11
Explanation:  binary of 1= 01
binary of 2= 10


input: 3
output: 22
Explanation:  binary of 1= 01
binary of 2= 10
binary of 3= 11


input: 4
output: 122

MyCode (In Python): (Inside Function)

for i in range(1,N+1):
return total

Note: Even though My code was right and it was working fine in all sample input that I was entering manually. But this code was only passing 1 test case and the rest of the test cases are unable to pass due to the Time limit. (Sadly, I Only get 3 points out of 50.)

(MEDIUM-75 points) Ques2: Calculate the sum of Ai/Aj, where A is an Array of N numbers?


Input: 3 (N no. of elements)
1 3 2
Output: 9
1/1 + 1/2 +1/3 =1+0+0=1
3/1 + 3/2 +3/3= 3+1+1=5
2/1 + 2/2 + 2/3= 2+1+0=3

My code was unable to pass 2 test cases due to the time limit, but the rest of the test cases successfully passes and from this question, I got 55 points.

I was unable to solve the 3rd question. Let see what happens(waiting for result)

Thank You

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