Infosys Interview Experience for SES 2020

Round 1(Online Coding Test): The test is been conducted on a HackerEarth Platform. It consisted of 3 questions based on data structures and algorithms. One of them is the easy level, another one is of medium level, and the last one is a hard level. I have solved 2 of them, thus able to qualify for the next round.

Round 2(Online Coding Test): It is similar to the first round, but questions were a little difficult now. It also consists of 3 questions based on data structures and algorithms. Now, two questions were medium, and the last one was of the hard level. I was able to solve 1 full and 2 partial. The top 3000 from this test will be qualified for the SES interview and the top 300 will be qualified for Power Programmer Interview. I got selected for the SES interview.

Round 3( Technical and HR Interview): Online virtual interview 

  1. Tell me about yourself
  2. About the Project and why you choose these projects and technology? 
  3. Why you use java? (because I’m a java developer)
  4. What is the data structure? 
  5. Difference between array and LinkedList?
  6. Difference between interface and abstraction?
  7. Difference between method overloading and method overriding?

Then finally some HR questions:

  1. Will you willingly shift to any technologies that Infosys provides you?
  2. Why Infosys?
  3. Will you be able to relocate to any locations in India?


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