Infosys Interview Experience for Digital Specialist Engineer Through InfyTQ

Round 1(Qualifying Round):

  • The first round consists of MCQs of 10 Aptitude Questions, 10 DBMS (Database Management System) Questions, and 20 Programming questions related to Basic Programming, Object-Oriented Programming, and Data Structures in the programming language which we have selected during the InfyTQ registration.
  • The test duration is 60 Minutes. For every correct answer, 1 mark is awarded, and for every incorrect answer, total marks will reduce by -0.25 marks. 60 Percent Marks should be scored to be qualified for the second round. I had cleared this round.

Round 2(Final Round)

  • The second round consists of MCQs of 10 DBMS (Database Management System) Questions, 10 Programming questions related to Object-Oriented Programming, and Data Structures and Algorithms, and 2 Programming Questions related to Basic Programming and Data Structures which we have to solve in the programming language selected during registration.
  • Difficulty Level of Questions will be Easy and Moderate. In this round, there will be no negative marking. The test duration is 3 hours. 60 Percent Marks should be scored to get Pre Placement Interview Opportunity for Systems Engineer Role and they also get qualified for participating in Advantage Round. I had cleared this round.

Round 3(Advantage Round)

  • The third round consists of 3 Advanced Level coding Questions related to Data Structures and Algorithms which we can solve in any programming language. The test duration is 3 hours. Based on the performance they may get Pre Placement Interview Opportunity for Digital Specialist Engineer and Power Programmer.
  • I had cleared all three rounds and got Pre Placement Interview Opportunity for Digital Specialist Engineer Role.

Interview Round

  • I had cleared all three rounds and got Pre Placement Interview Opportunity for Digital Specialist Engineer.
  • It has been conducted on Cisco Webex Meetings.
  • The duration of the interview is 40 to 50 minutes.
  • In Technical interviews, They mainly concentrated on DBMS, OOPS, and Data Structures and Algorithms.
  • I am from the biotechnology stream.
  • I felt moderate difficulty level even though the questions asked are from the basics.
  • As I am from the biotechnology stream I taught they may ask only some basic questions about technologies mentioned in my resume. Most questions are asked from which are not mentioned in my resume. But I have answered the maximum number of questions.

Firstly interviewer verified my identity by checking my college id and started the interview.

General Questions: First general questions were asked like

1. Tell me about yourself.

  • I introduced myself and explained my progress in academics, Skills, Internships, Projects, Strengths, Weaknesses, Long term goals, and short-term goals.

2. Explain projects you have done.

  • Title of project
  • Aim of project
  • Technologies and platform used.

OOPs Questions: The interviewer asked me that do you know OOPS?

I told yes and the interviewer started asking questions related to OOPS

1. What is oops?  

  • I had explained about oops and why we use oops.

2. What are the four main principles of OOPS?

  • I told the names of all four principles.

3. What is polymorphism?    

  • I had explained polymorphism and its two types.

4. What is inheritance?    

  • I had explained about inheritance.

5. What are the different types of inheritance?

  • I had explained about 5 types like Single, Multiple, Multilevel, Hierarchical, Hybrid.

6. What is abstraction?

  • I had explained abstraction and how it is useful.

7. What is encapsulation and how will you do it?  

  • I had explained encapsulation and how it can be implemented.

8. What is overloading and how it works?  

  • I had explained about method overloading and how it works.

9. What is method overriding?  

  • I had explained about method overriding.

10. What are the different types of access modifiers and explain each of them.

  • I had explained about private, public, and protected.

11. Will all properties of a parent can acquire by child class in inheritance?  

  • I have not answered this correctly.

Until I answered the wrong answer interview continued asking questions on the same concept.

DBMS Questions: The interviewer asked me that do I know DBMS?

I told yes and the interviewer started asking questions related to DBMS

1. What is DBMS?

  • I had explained about DBMS and the softwares that are used.

2. How data is stored?

  • I had explained that data is stored in the form of tables containing rows and columns.

3. What is normalization?

  • I had explained that it is done to remove anomalies of update, delete, and insertion.

4. Explain various normal forms in normalization?

  • I had explained about 1NF, 2NF, 3NF.

5. Explain 2NF with an example.

  • I had not answered it.

6. What is a primary key?

  • I had explained about it and its use.

7. What is a foreign key?

  • I had explained about it and its use.

Data Structures and Algorithms Questions: The interviewer asked me that do you know Data Structures and Algorithms?

I told to the interviewer that I know only some basics.

The interviewer started asking questions related to Data Structures and Algorithms.

1. What is an algorithm?

  • I had explained it is a sequence of statements that are used to solve a problem.

2. Explain any sorting algorithm orally without code?

  • I had explained about bubble sort and how it works.

3. What is a linked list?

  • I had explained that it is a linear data structure.

4. Explain the structure of the linked list.

  • I had explained that it contains nodes and the structure of each node.

5. What is linear data structure?

  • I had explained that data is stored in a linear fashion.

6. What is a non-linear data structure and examples?

  • I had explained that data is stored in a non-linear form. Examples are Tress, Graphs.

Project Related Questions: The interviewer started asking questions related to projects I mentioned in my resume.

I had mentioned a web-based chat application as one of my projects.

1. How does it work?

  • I explained how the application works.

2. What is the protocol you used to send messages?

  • I had explained that I used HTTP protocol.

3. What is a client and a server?

  • I had explained that the client can be a user who interacts with the application. When a client makes a request it is processed by the server and the server sends a response to the client.

4. How do you validate the details that the user entered are in the correct format or not and also where do you validate them i.e Client-side or server-side.  

  • I had explained that I validate user details in both frontend and backend.
  • On the client-side i.e By using type and pattern attributes in HTML We can validate the details like either it is following email pattern or not.
  • On the server-side i.e By checking the details that are matching with credentials in the database records.

5. Why are you validating on both server-side and client-side?

  • I had explained that at the client-side users can change the properties of fields by inspecting the elements. So by validating in both server-side and client-side.

Operating Systems and Networking Questions: The interviewer asked me that do I know Operating Systems and Networking.

I said I don’t know. But the interviewer asked me some questions.

1. What is IP Address?

  • I had explained it is a unique address to identify a device on the internet.

2. What is MAC Address?

  • I had not answered this question.

3. What are different types of protocols?

  • I told only two HTTP and HTTPS.

Then the interviewer asked do you know C++ or Java?

I answered no. So, the interviewer not asked any questions related to them.

Coding Problems: Then the interviewer asked can you solve coding problems?

I answered yes.

Then interviewer gave a problem statement and asked me to solve it in any language you are comfortable with.

And asked to share my screen and write code by explaining each line.

1. Given a integer k, integer n and list of n numbers. Find all pairs in which sum of first number in pair and value k gives the value of second number in pair.

I wrote the below code.


k = int(input())
n = int(input())
b = list(map(int,input().split()))
from itertools import combinations as com
pairs = list(com(b, 2))
for i in pairs:
    if i[0] + k == i[1]:

1,2 # 1+1=2
2,3 # 2+1=3

After this, the interviewer asked me to explain what I have done and asked me to run on different test cases and it gave correct solutions for all.

And Then the interviewer gave another coding problem and asked to solve it.

2. Given a number n find if its divisors count from 1 to n (inclusive) is prime or not. 

I wrote the below code.


import math
def prime(a):
    if a <= 1:
        return 0
    if a == 2:
        return 1
    for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(a)) + 1):
        if a % i == 0:
            return 0
    return 1
n = int(input())
c = 0
for i in range(1, n + 1):
    if n % i == 0:
        c + = 1
if prime(c):
    print("Count of divisors is prime")
    print("Count of divisors is not prime")

Count of divisors is prime

Then the interviewer asked me to explain the code and asked me to run it on different test cases and it gave correct solutions.

As I am from the biotechnology stream. 

  • The interviewer asked me how did you get exposed to coding?
  • Then the interviewer asked me Are you having a plan to do higher studies.
  • And finally, Interviewer asked do you have any questions for me? I asked about my feedback and interviewer experience at Infosys.

Finally, the interview was completed.

Finally got selected for the Systems Engineer role at Infosys.

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