Infosys Infytq Interview Experience for System Engineer

Infosys conducted the Infosys certification exam which was mainly conducted in three rounds. Infytq certification program also comes along with free training and course access which can be accessed before the exam. The first round was the basic certification round which upon clearing one will get the interview call for the system engineer role and will be able to sit for advantage round, in which upon clearing one can get the interview call for Specialist engineer or Digital specialist engineer according to performance.

Round 1(certification round): This round was of 3 hours and mainly consisted of two sections. One needs to get at least 65% to clear the round. There was no time limit in each section but one cannot navigate between sections but can navigate in between the questions in the section. One needs to previously select the programming which is either Java or Python. The questions will be asked from the language one has selected previously. 

  • Section 1: This section had 20 questions. 10 questions were from DBMS where we need to find the query output, errors, and other logical questions. In my set, the queries were quite lengthy and had a tough time figuring out the output. 10 questions were asked on output, error, and programming language-related questions such as BST, DSA, prefix, postfix, etc.
  • Section 2: This section had 2 coding questions. One needs to complete both the question to clear the round. The questions were moderate to difficult level. 

I had cleared the certification round and thus moved on to the advantage round.

Round 2(advantage round): The round was named as advantage round. The total time in the test was of 3 hours. 

  • There were 3 questions out of which one question was extremely difficult it was of BST and DP mixed I couldn’t solve it. Another question was moderate which was on string manipulation and I somehow managed to get some test cases passed. Another question was also difficult it was on DP. 

I didn’t clear the advantage round and thus I got the interview call for the system engineer role. I completed the online round in February and got my interview call at nearly the end of July. So please be patient with the interview process and giving the online exam may take a lot of time.

Round 3(virtual interview): The interview lasted for about 10 minutes. This interview was really one of a kind since he never really asked to introduce myself and also did not ask about my projects.

  • First he told me to show my id card beside my face and told me to wait for a couple of minutes before he will be going through my resume. Then he started asking questions
  • He told me so you know python. (I said yes). Then he asked me is a python compiler or interpreter.
  • Is print(8>9) correct statement or wrong?
  • What is .py and .pyc ?
  • He then asked me to suppose you have 10,000 lines of code and I have 5 functions, you are getting an error. How can you determine which function and which line you have an error? I answered that I need to check the function which is showing an error and he said no suppose you are getting an error in output but no line or function is mentioned then how will you debug? I then told him that then it must be a logical error and thus I need to check the function individually by making outputs.
  • What is drop and delete?
  • Any questions for me?

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