Informatica interview experience (On-Campus)

Total 6 rounds. 

Online MCQs-1 

Online coding-1 


Hiring manager round-1 


Round 1: Online MCQ Test (45 minutes) 


30 bits…. 45 minutes.. 

Out of 400, only 58 could make it to the next round.

Round 2: Coding Test (90 minutes) 

programming-linked list, strings 

there are 4 sums, total 30 marks.. 

  1. Given an array with repeated elements, find the sum of all distinct (non-repeating) elements.Input: arr[]={2, 3, 1, 2, 6, 1} 

    Output: 9 

    Since 2 and 1 were repeated, they are not considered while calculating the sum.

  2. Given an array with n elements and an integer k. Divide the array into subarrays, each of them containing k ekements.For example: 

    Input: arr[]={1, 32, 5, 6, 9, 3} and k=2 

    The subarrays will have elements 

    {132}, {56}, {93}. 

    Now sort these subarrays as {56}, {93}, {132}. Merge these subarrays together and display them as the elements of original array in sorted order as 

    Final output: arr[]={5, 6, 9, 3, 1, 32}

  3. Maximum non-contiguous subarray sum problem
  4.  Lexicographic rank of a string

    A candidate who could solve a minimum of 2 questions was selected for the next round. Out of 58, only 26 could make it to the next round.

Round 3:  Technical round 

This was a Face-to-Face Interview. The technical round was a series of 2 rounds, one of which was conducted on the same day and the other  was conducted on the following day (Day 1 interviews went till 9:30 P.M). 

DBMS,   SQL queries(on joins), OS(linux commands), Data Structers(Stacks,   Queues, Linked lists), OOPS(java basics), Puzzles. 

Out of 26, only 21 could make it to the next round.

Round 4: Technical round-2 

This was a Face-to-Face Interview. 

Advanced questions on DBMS,   SQL queries(on joins), OS(linux commands), Data Structers(Stacks,   Queues, Linked lists), OOPS(java basics), Puzzles. 

Out of 21, only 11 could make it to the next round.

Round 5: Hiring Manager round 

This was a Face-to-Face Interview. 

They concentrate on puzzle solving and realtime applications of data structures. 

Out of 11, only 9 could make it to the next round.

Round 6: HR 

Out of 11, only 5 were selected fulltime + intern and 1 was kept in waiting list.

Get prepared to tell about yourself for 5 minutes. 



At last after 6 rounds I got selected as fulltime + intern 




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