Infinite Computer Solutions Interview Experience

Round 1:

First round comprises of communication test as there are many students attending the interview so rather than keeping GD they decided to keep JAM(Just a minute) which is we need to select any topic or the recruiter will provide a topic and you need to talk for a minute about that topic.My topic is about advances in technology.This is a easy round that you need to talk something so that you can be selected for the next round

Round 2:

As i cleared the first round then shortlisted candidates called for the  second round which is a online mcq comprises of Aptitude, Verbal, Logical, Technical and the time alloted for this round is 1:30 hr.

Aptitude:Time and work, Trains, Profit and loss, Simple interest and compound interest and some other topics.

Technical:This section comprises of java programs, Os and some questions on .NET.As technical questions mostly consists of only java questions so if you know java you can easily clear this section.

Round 3:

As  around 140 students cleared the second round they are called for the third round which is Technical HR.In tech hr most questions will be from resume so make sure you are thorough with your resume.My questions are from python, django, node js, os, dbms..etc as i mentioned this all in my resume.If you are thorough with your resume you can easily clear this round

Round 4:

As this is the final round which is personal hr in technical hr they didn’t eliminate any candidates so all the 140 candidated attended the personal hr.As some of the common questions were asked in personal hr such as

1.Tell me something about yourself

2.Tell me something yourself which is not in your resume

3.What is the biggest challenge you faced in your life

These are some of the personal questions araised as it took 3 days to complete the recruitment process.

Finally from 140 students 19 were selected and i am one of the selected candidates.Overall very good interview experience.

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