In how many ways can 7 students be assigned to 1 triple and 2 double hotel rooms during a conference?

Given a definite number of elements, their different arrangements, either by choosing one after the other, or some of them, or all of them at a time are called permutations. They are regarded as the process of assigning a linear sequence to the members of a given sequence. It is also referred to as the process of re-ordering the elements of a given sequence or series.

In other words, to permutate a sequence means to list out all possible arrangements of that sequence.

For example, the series {1, 2} can be written in two ways: either as {1, 2} or {2, 1}.

Number of permutations when r number of elements are arranged out of n elements in a given sequence

nPr = n!/(n-r)!

For example, let n = 5 {A, B, C, D, E} and r = 2 (all permutations having two elements). The answer is 5P2 = 5! /(5-2)! = 20. The 20 permutations are: AB, AC, AD, AE, BA, BC, BD, BE, CA, CB, CD, CE, DA, DB, DC, DE, EA, EB, EC and ED.


It is defined as the process of selecting either one or two or some elements from a given sequence, regardless of the order of the elements. Say, two elements of a series are to be chosen which only has 2 elements, to begin with, then the order of those elements won’t matter.

Number of combinations when r number of elements are selected out of n elements in a given sequence,

nCr = n!/r!(n-r)!

For example, let n = 5 and r = 2, then number of ways to select 2 elements out of 5 = 5C2 = 5!/2! (5-2)! = 10.

In how many ways can 7 students be assigned to 1 triple and 2 double hotel rooms during a conference?


This problem can be interpreted as having to put the 7 students into groups of 3, 2 and 2.

Number of ways to choose 3 students in the triple = 7C3 = 7! / 3!4! = 35  

Number of ways to choose 2 out of the remaining 4 students = 4C2 = 4!/ 2!2! = 6

Number of ways to choose 2 students out of the remaining two students = 1

Total number of arrangements = 35 × 6 × 1 = 210.

Hence, 7 students can be assigned to 1 triple and 2 double hotel rooms during a conference in 210 ways.

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