Top 10 Imported Products from India to Canada

In recent years, India and Canada have been doing more trade with each other. India is selling a lot of things to Canada and this trade is growing. Some of the main things India sells to Canada are medicines, clothes, machines, electronics, and food. Canada is buying more medicines from India because they’re good quality and cheaper. Also, clothes and machines from India are popular in Canada because they’re well-designed and cost less. This trading is helping both countries’ economies grow.

Look at the top 10 imports of Canada from India.

List of Imported Products from India to Canada

Here is the list of top import products from India to Canada.

Import Products from India to Canada


Electrical, electronic equipment


Pharmaceutical products


Pearls, precious stones, metals, coins


Articles of iron or steel


Organic chemicals






Coffee, tea, mate and spices


Optical, photo, technical, medical apparatus


Dairy products, eggs, honey, edible products


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1. Electrical and Electronic Equipment ($535.70 million)

India exported a significant amount of electrical and electronic equipment to Canada in 2022, indicating a strong trade relationship between the two countries in this sector. This category includes various products such as appliances, machinery, and components used in electrical and electronic systems. The export of these goods contributes to India’s economy while meeting the demand for such products in the Canadian market.

2. Pharmaceutical Products ($531.90 million)

India is renowned for its pharmaceutical industry which produces a wide range of medicines, vaccines and medical supplies. Canada imports a substantial amount of pharmaceutical products from India due to their high quality and competitive pricing. The demand for these products in Canada reflects the reliance on imported medications to meet healthcare needs.

3. Pearls, Precious Stones, Metals, Coins ($366.98 million)

This category includes precious materials such as pearls, gemstones, and metals like gold and silver. India has a rich heritage in jewelry making and is a major producer of pearls and gemstones. Canada’s import of these items from India suggests a preference for Indian craftsmanship and the desire for luxury goods in the Canadian market.

4. Articles of Iron or Steel ($275.37 million)

Articles of iron or steel refer to various products made from these metals, including machinery parts, tools and construction materials. India exports a significant amount of iron and steel products to Canada, indicating the demand for infrastructure and construction materials, as well as industrial machinery components.

5. Organic Chemicals ($248.79 million)

Organic chemicals cover a broad spectrum of substances used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and manufacturing. India’s export of organic chemicals to Canada suggests a demand for raw materials for pharmaceutical manufacturing, agricultural inputs, and chemical production in Canada.

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6. Rubbers ($115.35 million)

Rubbers with an import value of $115.35 million it show a significant category of products imported from India to Canada. This category includes various rubber-based products such as raw rubber, rubber tires, rubber hoses and other rubber derivatives. Rubber is used across a wide range of industries, including automotive, construction, manufacturing and consumer goods.

In Canada, rubber imports from India may be used in the production of tires for vehicles, industrial machinery components, seals and gaskets, and various other applications. The consistent demand for rubber imports highlights its importance in Canadian industries and underscores the bilateral trade relationship between India and Canada.

7. Plastics ($113.82 million)

The import value of plastics from India to Canada amounts to $113.82 million, indicating a significant portion of trade in this category. Plastics includes a diverse range of materials, including polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, PET and various other polymer-based products. These materials are used across numerous industries, including packaging, construction, automotive, electronics and healthcare.

In Canada, imported plastics from India may be used in manufacturing packaging materials, construction components, household goods, medical devices, and a wide array of consumer products.

8. Coffee, Tea, Mate, and Spices ($80.21 million)

India is known for its rich variety of spices, as well as its tea and coffee production. These products are widely consumed and used in cooking, baking, and beverage preparation across Canada. Indian-origin coffee is esteemed for its unique flavors and aroma while Indian tea is renowned for its quality and variety. Indian spices are valued for their rich taste and culinary versatility in Canadian cuisine.

The significant import value of coffee, tea, mate and spices underscores the demand for these products in Canada and highlights the role of India as a major supplier. The trade in these commodities not only satisfies consumer preferences but also enhances cultural exchange and culinary diversity in Canada.

9. Optical, Photo, Technical, Medical Apparatus ($53.90 million)

This category includes various optical instruments, medical devices, and technical apparatus. India’s export of these products to Canada suggests a demand for precision instruments, medical equipment and technical tools in Canada’s healthcare and industrial sectors.

These apparatus play crucial roles in different fields, including healthcare, research, manufacturing, and photography. Medical devices imported from India may include diagnostic equipment, surgical instruments, and healthcare appliances, contributing to the advancement of healthcare services in Canada. Additionally, optical instruments and cameras imported from India may cater to the needs of professionals and enthusiasts in photography, cinematography, and research.

The significant import value of optical, photo, technical, and medical apparatus highlights the demand for advanced technology and precision equipment in Canada, while also showcasing India’s expertise in manufacturing such products. This trade not only supports the technological and healthcare infrastructure in Canada but also fosters bilateral cooperation and innovation between the two countries.

10. Dairy Products, Eggs, Honey, and Other Edible Products ($1.56 million)

While relatively small in value compared to other categories, India also exports dairy products, eggs, honey, and other edible items to Canada. This category includes a variety of food items, including dairy products like cheese and yogurt, eggs, honey, and other edible products such as processed foods and snacks.

Even though the amount is small, these items still add to the variety of foods available in Canada. Indian dairy products might have different flavors, and Indian honey is known for being pure and tasty. These imports give Canadians more choices and add to the different flavors they can enjoy.

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Top Import Products from India to Canada – FAQs

What are the top import products from India to Canada?

The top import products from India to Canada include pharmaceutical products, electrical and electronic equipment, pearls, precious stones, metals, coins, articles of iron or steel, organic chemicals, rubbers, plastics, coffee, tea, mate, and spices, optical, photo, technical, and medical apparatus, as well as dairy products, eggs, honey and other edible products.

Why are pharmaceutical products among the top imports from India to Canada?

Pharmaceutical products from India are among the top imports to Canada due to India’s robust pharmaceutical industry and Canada’s reliance on imported medications to meet domestic healthcare needs.

Who is the biggest importer of India?

United Arab Emirates is the biggest importer of India.

Which food products India import most?

India primarily imports edible oils, pulses, and fresh fruits to meet domestic demand. Also processed foods, dairy products, and spices are also imported to supplement local production and cater to consumer preferences. Beverages like coffee, tea, and soft drinks are imported to meet specific demands and preferences in the Indian market.

What do Canada export?

Exports account for more than 30 percent of the Canadian GDP. The main things Canada sells to other countries are energy (22% of all exports), crude oil and crude bitumen (14%), cars and car parts (19%), and things people use like clothes and electronics (12%).

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