Important Volcanoes of the World

Geography is having a greater percentage of questions in the general awareness section of government exams like SSC, Railways, State PSCs, etc. In this section one of the important topics from geography i.e “Important Volcanoes of the World” , we are going to discuss. Many questions has been asked in the previous years from this sect and there is a greater possibility of coming of questions from this section in the upcoming exams.

Volcanoes: An Introduction

  • Volcanoes are openings in the earth’s crust that allow molten rock, gas, and debris to come out to the surface. The gases present in volcanoes are sulfur compounds, nitrogen compounds, and traces of argon, hydrogen, and chlorine. 
  • The phenomenon of molten lava coming out from the interior of the earth is called volcanism.
  • Vents are fissures in the earth’s surface caused by eruptions of lava, pyroclastic gases, and volcanic gases. Thermal convection combined with the gravitational effects of changes in the Earth’s surface cause lava movement within the Earth’s mantle. Volcanoes exist on the rims between the tectonic plates, the massive bedrocks that form the Earth’s surface. 90% of the volcanoes are present within the Ring of Fire at the edge of the Pacific Ocean.

Factors responsible for Volcanism:

1. Plate Tectonics
2. Ocean floor spreading
3. Weak Earth Surface
4. Faults
5. Magma crystallization
6. A decrease in external pressure

Types of Volcanoes: 

Volcanoes are classified according to the type of eruption and the shape of the surface.

1. Shield volcano

  • These volcanoes are the largest of all non-steep volcanoes on Earth.
  • The main constituent of these types of volcanoes is basalt 
  • It explodes if water somehow gets into the vents, but is otherwise characterized by low explosiveness.
  • The upwardly moving lava does so in the form of a fountain, exiting the cone at the top of the vent and developing into a cinder cone. 
  • Example: Hawaii’s shield volcanoes

2. Compound volcano

  • Compound volcanoes are characterized by lava eruptions that are cooler and more viscous than basalt.
  • They consist of numerous explosive eruptions.
  • A large amount of pyroclastic material and volcanic ash falls on the ground along with lava. This material collects near vents and causes stratification.
  • The Mayon volcano in the Philippines, Mount Fuji in Japan, and Mount Rainier in Washington are the largest compound volcanoes in the world. The largest complex volcanic chain is the Pacific Rim, known as the “Fire Rim”.

3. Caldera

  • Calderas are known to be the most explosive volcanoes on Earth.
  • They are generally explosive.
  • When erupted, they tend to collapse on their own rather than building structures.
  • Collapsed depressions are known as calderas. 

4. Flood Basalt State

  • Flood Basalt Province’s volcanoes spew highly flowing lava that flows over long distances.
  • Many parts of the world are covered by thick basaltic lava flows.

5. Mid-oceanic ridge volcanoes

  • These volcanoes are located in oceanic regions.
  • There is a system of mid-ocean ridges that stretch for 70000 km across the ocean basin.
  • The central part of this ridge is a frequently torn lava dome. Such volcanoes are called lava domes when the erupted lava is too thick to flow, and the lava piles up near the crater to form steep-sided hills.
  • They are formed by slow eruptions of highly viscous lava.
  • Sometimes they also form in craters from previous volcanic eruptions.

Important Volcanoes of the World:

Name of the Volcano


Mauna Loa Hawaii
Piton des Neiges Reunion, France
Ojos del Salado Argentina-Chile
Llullaillaco Argentina-Chile
Nevado Sajama Bolivia
Chimborazo Ecuador
Cotopaxi Ecuador
Kilimanjaro  Tanzania 
Cayambe Ecuador 
Mount Elbrus Russia
Pico de Orizaba Mexico
Mount Damavand Iran
Popocatépetl Mexico
Iztaccihuatl Mexico
Mount Kenya Kenya
Mount Ararat Turkey/Armenia
Mount Kazbek Georgia
Mount Bona Alaska
Klyuchevskaya Sopka Russia
Mount Karisimbi Rwanda/Democratic Republic of Congo
Mount Rainier Washington, United States
Mount Giluwe Papua New Guinea
Volcán Tajumulco Guatemala
Mauna Kea Hawaii, United States
Mount Sidley Antarctica
Mount Cameroon Cameroon
Mount Aragats Armenia
Mount Kerinci Sumatra, Indonesia
Mount Fuji Honshū, Japan
Mount Rinjani Lombok, Indonesia
Mount Teide Canary Islands, Spain
Semeru  Java, Indonesia
Emi Koussi Chad
Mount Etna Sicily, Italy
Haleakalā Maui Hawaii
Mount Agung Bali, Indonesia
Pico Basilé Equatorial Guinea 
Mount Zuqualla Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Mount Apo Mindanao, Philippines
Mount Shishaldin  Unimak Island, Alaska
Mount Ruapehu  North Island, New Zealand
Mawson Peak Heard Island, Australia
Pali-Aike volcanic field Azores, Portugal
Mount Pico Argentina–Chile
Beerenberg Jan Mayen Norway
Taal Volcano Batangas, Philippines

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