Important Revolts After 1857

 Peasant Revolts:

Revolts  Leaders Location Important Facts
Indigo Revolt  (1859-60)                                                                              Digambar Biswas and Bishnu Biswas                                                                   Bengal                                                                                              
  • Bengali peasants were forced to produce indigo instead of more lucrative crops like rice on their estates, and planters pushed them to enter into false contracts.
  • Under Biswas’ leadership, peasant rage grew, and he decided not to make indigo.
  • Bengali Intelligentsia supports peasants’ use of legal machinery against planters.
  • The government formed an Indigo Commission to investigate the situation, and based on its findings, the government decided not to force ryots to cultivate indigo.
  • Based on that, Deen Bandhu Mitra wrote conciliatory the play ‘Neel Darpan’ in 1869.
Pabna Agrarian Leagues (1870-80) Yusufshahi Pargana, famous leaders were Ishan Chandra Roy, Shambhu Nath Pal, Koodi Molla East Bengal
  • Rent increases, brutal evictions, and expensive court litigation by Zamindars were the catalysts for the 1872 insurrection. The Agrarian League was founded in 1874.
  • RC Dutt, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, and the Indian Association under Surendranath Banerjee backed the League.
  • In 1885, the government passed the Bengal Tenancy Act to safeguard farmers.
Deccan Riots (1860-80)   Maharashtra (Poona, Sholapur, Satara and Ahmednagar)
  • Ryotwari system imposed high taxes on the Deccan ryots, trapping them in debt to moneylenders who were usually strangers (Marwari and Gujarati). The problem was exacerbated by the American civil war in 1861 and the government’s decision to raise taxes by 50% in 1867. unpaid
  • In 1878, the Deccan Riot Commission was established. The panel discovered that a moneylender had charged nearly Rs 2,000 in interest on a Rs 100 loan.
  • As a conciliatory measure, the government repressed the movement with the Deccan Agriculturist Relief Act of 1879, which was largely due to the efforts of MG Ranade and Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
Kisan Sabha Movement

Gauri Shankar Mishra and Indra Narayan Dwivedi. 

Other leaders were- Jhinguri singh, Baba Ramchandra, Durgapal Singh, Madan Mohan Malviya

Uttar Pradesh (Rajasthan, Bareilly, Faizabad, Sultanpur)
  • The main difficulty was that after conspiring with Britishers in the 1857 insurrection, the Taluqdars cemented their control over rural society.
  • Cultivators faced summary evictions (bedakhali), a renewal charge (nazraana), and inflation caused by World War I.
  • Gauri Shankar Mishra and Indra Narayan Dwivedi organised the United Provinces Kisan Sabha in February 1918, with the help of Madan Mohan Malviya.
  • The Awadh Kisan Sabha was created in October 1920, with demands to refuse to till bedakhali land, not to offer Hari and begar (unpaid labour), and to boycott those who did not accept these conditions.
Eka Movement (1921) Madari Pasi and other low-caste leaders Uttar Pradesh (Hardoi, Bahraich, Sitapur)
  • It was the cause of high rents, oppression of the kedars, and the practice of share rents.
Mappila revolt (1921) Variyankunnath Kunjahammad haji, Seethi Koya Thangal of Kumaranpathor, Ali Musliyar Malabar (KeralaMuslim)
  • It was a source of discontent among Mappila Muslim tenants due to a lack of security of tenure, expensive rents, renewal fees, and onerous demands by landlords (Namboodiri Brahmanas).
Bardoli Satyagraha (January 1926) Sardar Patel Surat
  • People urged the establishment of an impartial tribunal to investigate the reason for the government’s 30 percent rise in Muslimland revenue.
  • The women of Bardoli bestowed the title of ‘Sardar’ on Patel.
  • KM Munshi and Lalji Naranji supported the satyagraha.
  • Bardoli set up an inquiry commission, which ruled the jump unwarranted and recommended a 6% increase.
Akhil Bhartiya Kisan Sabha (AIKS 1936) Swami Sahajanand Saraswati was the president and NG was its general secretary Lucknow
  • Under the name Indulal Yagnik, the organisation published a manifesto and a journal.
  • In 1936, AIKS and Congress met in Faizpur for a meeting.
Telangana movement (1946-51) communist-led  Hyderabad
  • In nizam’s Hyderabad, the Muslim elite ruled over the Hindus, resulting in a total lack of political and civil liberties, as well as the most heinous forms of exploitation by zamindars manifested in wartime exactions, rationing abuse, and vethi, which led to a confrontation between Bargardars (owners) and Jotedars ( chevaliers) (peasant).
  • It was the largest movement, with 3000 communities setting up and 3 million people participating.
  • Finally, Sardar Patel took over Hyderabad by force, and the movement died out.
Tebhaga Movement (1946-47)

AIKS is the peasant wing of the communist party of India.

It was led by Bengal provincial Kisan sabha

  • The Bengal provincial Kisan Sabha has called for a mass effort to execute the flood commission’s suggestion of giving bargardars (those who work on land rented from jotedars) and sharecroppers (also known as Bagchasi or Adhyar) a two-thirds share instead of one-half.
Kuki revolt (1917-19)   Manipur 
  • It was against British company as the companies want to recruit labour in the 1st world war. 
Naga Movement (1905-31) Jadonang Manipur
  • It was the cause of the British rule as they are against setting up the Naga Raj.
Revolt/Event/Case Members Important facts
Ramosi Peasant force, 1879 Vasudev Balwant Phadke
  • It was aimed to rid the country of the British by instigating armed revolt by disrupting communication lines.
Komagata Maru Incident, 1914 In Kartar Singh Sarabha, Raghubar Dayal Gupta, Sachin Sanyal
  • The ship Komagata, which was bringing 370 immigrants from Singapore to Vancouver, was turned back by Canada due to British government pressure.
  • Ghadar leaders were enraged by the episode, which coincided with the commencement of World War I, and determined to launch a violent attack on British rule in India.
  • Kartar Singh Sarabha and Raghubar Dayal Gupta travelled to India and asked Bengal revolutionaries Rash Behari Bose and Sachin Sanyal to lead the movement.
  • The local Indian community formed a shore committee to aid Komagata Maru passengers with food, provisions, and legal issues.
Bhoodan Movement (Land Gift Movement,1951)  Vinoba Bhave
  • Bhoodan Pochampally was a volunteer land reform movement in India founded by Vinoba Bhave in 1951 in Pochampally village (now in Tamilnadu).
    At Pochampalli village, Bhave received his first land donation.
    In 1953, Jayaprakash Narayan retired from active politics and joined the Bhoodan movement.
Great Bombay textile strike  Dutta Samant
  • It was called in 1982 by mill workers of Bombay under trade union leader Dutta Samant. The purpose of the strike was to obtain bonus and increase wages.
Rampa Rebellion [1922-24]
Alluri Sita Rama Raju.
  • It was in violation of the Forest Act of 1882, which restricted indigenous people’s freedom of movement.

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