Important Questions on Mughal Emperor Akbar

In this article, we are providing a practice set of some important questions on Mughal Emperor Akbar. This topic is belongs to the medieval indian history section. Mughal Dynasty is an important topic from an exams point of view. In the government exams like STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION COMBINED, GRADUATE LEVEL questions were asked about this topic. So these questions will help in the upcoming government exams.

Que 1.  Which of the following Mughal emperor’s original names was Jalaluddin?
(a) Babur
(b) Humayun
(c) Akbar
(d) Jahangir

Ans. (c) Akbar
Explanation – The original name of the Mughal emperor Akbar was Jalaluddin.


Que 2. In which year was the Mughal emperor Akbar born?
(a) 1542
(b) 1545
(c) 1540
(d) 1550

Ans. (a) 1542
Explanation – The Mughal emperor Akbar was born on 15 October 1542 AD.


Que 3. Which of the following is a title of the Mughal emperor Akbar?
(a) Emperor of the South
(b) Arsh-Ashiyani
(c) Jagdishwar
(d) All of the above

Ans. (d) All of the above
Explanation – Emperor of the South, Arsh-Ashiyani, Jagdishwar all these titles belong to the Mughal emperor Akbar.


Que 4. Who among the following conferred the title “Arsh-Ashiyani” to Emperor Akbar?
(a) Humayun
(b) Shahjahan
(c) Babur
(d) Jahangir

Ans. (d) Jahangir
Explanation – Jahangir had conferred the title “Arsh-Ashiyani” to Emperor Akbar.


Que 5. Which titles were conferred on Emperor Akbar after the announcement of Mazhar?
(a) Imam
(b) Adil
(c) Amir al-Mu’minin
(d) All of the above

Ans. (d) All of the above
Explanation – After the announcement of Mazhar, the titles of Emperor Akbar Imam, Adil, and Amir al-Mu’minin were conferred.


Que 6. Which of the following rulers is known as the “Enlightened Autocratic Ruler”?
(a) Humayun
(b) Shahjahan
(c) Babur
(d) Akbar

Ans. (d) Akbar
Explanation – Akbar is called “Enlightened Autocratic Ruler”.


Que 7. Which Mughal emperor was called by Dr. R. P Tripathi “both the son and father of his era”?
(a) Humayun
(b) Shahjahan
(c) Babur
(d) Akbar

Ans. (d) Akbar
Explanation – Dr. R. P Tripathi called the Mughal emperor Akbar “Both the son and father of his era”.


Que 8. Which Mughal emperor has been called by Smith the “born ruler of men”?
(a) Humayun
(b) Shahjahan
(c) Babur
(d) Akbar

Ans. (d) Akbar
Explanation – Smith has called the Mughal emperor Akbar “born ruler of men”.


Que 9. Which one of the following writers called Akbar “the first national ruler of medieval India”?
(a) Dr. R. P Tripathi
(b) Smith
(c) Elphinstone
(d) None of the above

Ans. (c) Elphinstone
Explanation – Elphinstone has called Akbar “the first national ruler of medieval India”.


Que 10. Which of the following writers has called the period of Akbar as the “Golden Age of the Mughal period”?
(a) Dr. R. P Tripathi
(b) Smith
(c) Elphinstone
(d) Lane-Poole

Ans. (d) Lane-Poole
Explanation – Lane-Poole has called “Akbar’s period the golden age of the Mughal period”.


Que 11. Which of the following Mughal emperors used to go among the subjects in disguise?
(a) Humayun
(b) Shahjahan
(c) Babur
(d) Akbar

Ans. (d) Akbar
Explanation – The Mughal emperor Akbar used to go among the subjects in disguise.


Que 12. Which of the following Mughal emperor was illiterate?
(a) Humayun
(b) Shahjahan
(c) Babur
(d) Akbar

Ans. (d) Akbar
Explanation – The Mughal emperor Akbar was illiterate.


Que 13. In which of the following places was the Mughal emperor Akbar born?
(a) Umarkot
(b) Kalanaur
(c) Gwalior
(d) None of the above

Ans. (a) Umarkot
Explanation – Mughal emperor Akbar was born in Umarkot.


Que 14. Where was the coronation of the Mughal emperor Akbar?
(a) Umarkot
(b) Kalanaur
(c) Gwalior
(d) None of the above

Ans. (b) Kalanaur
Explanation – The coronation of the Mughal emperor Akbar took place in Kalanaur (Punjab).


Que 15. When was the coronation of the Mughal emperor Akbar?
(a) 1542
(b) 1546
(c) 1550
(d) 1556

Ans. (d) 1556
Explanation – The coronation of the Mughal emperor Akbar took place on 14 February 1556.


Que 16. Who among the following coronated the Mughal emperor Akbar?
(a) Abul Qasim
(b) Abul Maali
(c) Bairam Khan
(d) None of the above

Ans. (a) Abul Qasim
Explanation – The coronation of Mughal emperor Akbar was done by Abul Qasim.


Que 17. Who among the following opposed the coronation of the Mughal emperor Akbar?
(a) Abul Qasim
(b) Abul Maali
(c) Bairam Khan
(d) None of the above

Ans. (b) Abul Maali
Explanation – The coronation of Mughal emperor Akbar was opposed by Abul Maali.


Que 18. On whose death of the following did Akbar get his head shaved?
(a) Maham Anga
(b) GG Anga 
(c) Ruqaiya Begum
(d) None of the above

Ans. (b) GG Anga
Explanation – Akbar had his head shaved on the death of GG Anga.


Que 19. Who among the following was the first biographer of Akbar?
(a) Bayazid Bayat
(b) Abul Fazl
(c) Sheikh Mubarak
(d) None of the above

Ans. (a) Bayazid Bayat
Explanation – The first biographer of Akbar was Bayazid Bayat.


Que 20. Who among the following was known as “Khan Baba” by Akbar like Bairam Khan?
(a) Munim Khan
(b) Abul Qasim
(c) Abul Maali
(d) None of the above

Ans. (a) Munim Khan
Explanation – Akbar used to call Munim Khan “Khanbaba” like Bairam Khan.


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