Important GA Questions for SSC

In exams like SSC, Banking, Railways, and others, we find many questions from the General Awareness section. This section is very scoring; if aspirants can find the right source, they can fetch good marks.  We will provide multiple choice practice questions for SSC CGL so that students can be able to practice more and more and get most of the questions correct in this section.

Que1. During which period, the institution of  Gotra was developed?

(a) Sangam Age
(b) Gupta Age
(c) Later Vedic Period
(d) Early Vedic Period

Ans. (c) Later Vedic Period
Explanation-The institution of Gotra developed in the later Vedic period. This means that people with common gotra descended from a common ancestor and no marriage between the members of the same gotra could occur.


Ques 2. Which of the following literary work referred to Chandragupta Maurya as “Kulahina”?

(a) Dipavamsa
(b) Mahavamsa
(c) Arthashastra  
(d) Mudrarakshasa

Ans. (d) Mudrarakshasa
Explanation– The “Mudrarakshasa” is a play written by “Vishakhadatta”, who referred to Chandragupta as ‘Vrishala’ and ‘Kulahina’ which means a person of humble origin.

Ques 3.Under the Delhi Sultanate, who was known as the correspondence minister?

(c) Diwan –I- Insha
(d) Sadr –us-insha

Ans. (c) Diwan –I- Insha
Explanation– Diwan-i-Risalat- Foreign Affairs Minister
                   Diwan-i-Ariz   –  Defence Minister
                  Diwan –I- Insha   –  Correspondence Minister
                  Sadr –us-Insha    –   Minister of Islamic Law


Ques 4. Which of the following is the Sanctum sanctorum of Hindu temples in India?

(a) Vahana
(b) Shikhara
(c) Mandapa
(d) Garbhagriha

Ans. (d) Garbhagriha
Explanation– Sanctum Sanctorum: it is also known as Garbhagriha or womb- house. it is a small room a cubicle in shape which houses the principal deity of the temple.


Ques 5. The causes of tides are?

(a) Sun
(b) Moon
(c) Earth
(d) a & b both

Ans.(d) a & b both
Explanation– The strong gravitational pull exerted by the sun and the moon on the earth’s surface cause the tides.


Ques 6. Which current is a cold ocean current?

(a) Gulf steam
(b) Labrador ocean current
(c) Florida’s Current
(d) Norwegian current

Ans.(b) Labrador ocean current
Explanation– The Labrador ocean current is cold while others are warm currents.


Ques 7. Which is not a factor responsible for soil formation in given options?

(a) Parent rack
(b) Sun rays
(c) Climate
(d) Relief

Ans. (b) Sun rays
Explanation– The major factors of soil formation are the nature of the parent rock, climate, and relief.

Ques 8. Which of the following bodies acts as a guide, friend, and philosopher of the Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee?

(a) Finance Commission of India 
(b) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(c) NITI Aayog
(d) Committee of economic affairs

Ans. (b) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
Explanation – CAG acts as a guide, friend, and philosopher of the Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee.


Ques 9.  The headquarters of TRAFFIC is located in which of the following places?

(a) London
(b) Geneva
(c) Cambridge
(d) Vienna

Ans. (c) Cambridge
Explanation– TRAFFIC, the wildlife Trade Monitoring Network is headquartered in Cambridge, United Kingdom. The organization aims to ensure that trade in wild plants and animals is not a threat to the conservation of nature.


Ques 10. Agricultural Produce (grading and marketing) Act was passed in which of the following year?

(a) 1917
(b) 1927
(c) 1937
(d) 1947

Ans. (c) 1937
Explanation– Agricultural Produce (grading and marketing) Act was passed in 1937. It extends to the whole of India and was passed to provide for the grading and marketing of agricultural and other produce.


Ques 11. which of the following supervises the functioning of Housing Finance Companies?

(a) National Housing Bank 
(b) Reserve Bank of India
(c) Ministry of Corporate Affairs
(d) Ministry of finance

Ans. (a)  National Housing Bank 
Explanation– National Housing Bank was set up by an act of parliament in 1987.NHB is an apex financial institution for housing.


Ques 12. A French architect, Le Corbusier designed which city?

(a) Bangalore
(b) Chandigarh
(c) Kolkata
(d) Chennai

Ans. (b) Chandigarh
Explanation– Chandigarh is the first planned city in India. A French architect, Le Corbusier was invited to design this city.


Ques 13. Alexander invaded India in:

(a) 467 BC
(b) 323 BC
(c) 454 BC
(d) 326 BC

Ans.(d) 326 BC
Explanation– In 326 BC, Alexander invaded India After crossing the river Indus, he advanced towards Taxila.


Ques 14. Malwa plateau is not a part of which of the following states?

(a) Chhattisgarh
(b) Rajasthan
(c) Gujarat
(d) Madhya Pradesh

Ans. (a) Chhattisgarh
Explanation– Malwa plateau is bounded by the Madhya Bharat plateau and Bundelkhand high land to the north, the Vindhya range to the east and south, and the Gujarat plains to the west.

Ques 15. Which of the following is not a Zaid Crop?

(a) Pumpkin
(b) Cucumber
(c) Watermelon
(d) Wheat

Ans. (d) Wheat
Explanation– In between the rabi and the Kharif seasons, there is a short season during the summer months known as the Zaid season. Some crops produced during zaid are watermelon, pumpkin, cucumber, vegetables, and fodder.


Ques 16. For any question regarding the disqualification of a member of parliament, the president considers the opinion of?

(a) Chief justice of India
(b) Election commission of India
(c) Attorney General of India
(d) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

Ans. (b) Election commission of India
Explanation-The president takes the opinion of the Election commission.


Ques 17. How is the governor of a state appointed?

(a) Elected by the state legislative Assembly
(b) Appointed by the president 
(c) Elected by collegiums consisting of the head of all local bodies of the concerned state
(d) Nominated by the State Government subject to the approval of the Union Government.

Ans (b) Appointed by the president 
Explanation-The Governor is neither directly elected nor indirectly elected by a specially constituted electoral college as is the case with the president.


Ques 18. Which of the following has the highest density?

(a) Chlorine
(b) Bromine
(c) Gold
(d) Osmium

Ans. (d) Osmium
 Explanation– The first chemical element hydrogen has the lowest density and Osmium has the highest density.


Ques 19. Which of the following is generally not used in the generation of energy?

(a) Physical change
(b) Chemical reaction
(c) Fusion reaction 
(d) Fission reaction

Ans. (a) Physical change
Explanation-Generally physical change does not produce energy but a chemical reaction produces energy. Nuclear fission and fusion reactions generate a huge amount of energy.


Ques 20. Which of the following has established a wind-solar hybrid power plant in India?

(a) Jaisalmer  (Rajasthan )
(b) Gandhi Nagar (Gujarat)
(c) Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh)
(d) Chennai (Tamil Nadu)

Ans. (a) Jaisalmer  (Rajasthan)
Explanation– This plant in Jaisalmer is India’s first-ever wind and solar hybrid power generation plant.


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