Important Article of Indian Constitution – Part 2

In this article we have covered all important articles of Indian Constitution from Part V to Part XI. And this is the 2nd part of  the compilation of important articles of the Constitution.

To Read Part 1 Click Here

Part V – The Union (Article 52 – 151)

• Article 52 – The President of India
• Article 53 – The president’s executive power
• Article 54 – President’s Election
• Article 61 – The President’s Impeachment Procedure
• Article 63 – India’s Vice President
• Article 64 – The Vice–President will preside over the Council of States as an ex–officio member.
• Article 66 – Vice Presidential Election
• Article 72 – President’s pardoning powers
• Article 76 – Attorney General of India
• Article 79 – Parliamentary Structure
• Article 80 – Rajya Sabha’s composition
• Article 81 – The Lok Sabha’s composition
• Article 83 – Duration of Houses of Parliament
• Article 84 – Qualification for membership of Parliament
• Article 85 – Sessions of Parliament, prorogation, and dissolution
• Article 86 – Right of President to address and send messages to Houses
• Article 87 – Special address by the President
• Article 90 – Vacation and resignation of, and removal from, the office of Deputy Chairman
• Article 93 – The Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House of the People
• Article 94 – Vacation and resignation of, and removal from, the offices of Speaker and Deputy Speaker
• Article 95 – Power of the Deputy Speaker or other person to perform the duties of the office of, or to act as, Speaker
• Article 98 – Secretariat of Parliament
• Article 99 – Oath or affirmation by members
• Article 100 – Voting in Houses, power of Houses to act notwithstanding vacancies and quorum
• Article 105 – Powers, privileges, etc. of the Houses of Parliament and of the members and committees thereof
• Article 106 – Salaries and allowances of members
• Article 107 – Provisions as to introduction and passing of Bills
• Article 109 – Special procedure in respect of Money Bills
• Article 110 – Definition of “Money Bills”
• Article 111 – Assent to Bills
• Article 112 – Financial Budget for the Year
• Article 113 – Procedure in Parliament with respect to estimates 
• Article 114 – Appropriation Bills
• Article 120 – Language to be used in Parliament
• Article 123 – During the recess of parliament, the President has the authority to promulgate Ordinances.
• Article 124 – The Supreme Court is established
• Article 125 – Judges’ salaries
• Article 126 – Acting Chief Justice is appointed
• Article 127 – ad-hoc judges are appointed
• Article 128 – Attendance of a retired judge at a Supreme Court hearing
• Article 129 – The Supreme Court will be a Record Court
• Article 130 – Seat of the Supreme Court
• Article 131 – Original jurisdiction of Supreme Court
• Article 132 – Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court in appeals from High Court in certain cases
• Article 133 – Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court in appeals from High Court in regard to civil matters
• Article 134 – Appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court in regard to criminal matters
• Article 138 – Enlargement of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
• Article 141 – Law declared by Supreme Court to be binding on all Courts
• Article 143 – Power of President to consult the Supreme court
• Article 144 – Civil and judicial authorities to act in aid of the Supreme Court
• Article 148 – Comptroller and Auditor-General of India
• Article 149 – Duties and powers of the Comptroller and Auditor-General

Part VI – The States (Article 152-237)

• Article 153 – The Governors of the States
• Article 154 – Governor’s Executive Powers
• Article 155 – Appointment of the Governors
• Article 157 – Qualification of Governors
• Article 161 – Governor’s powers of pardoning
• Article 165 – The State’s Advocate General
• Article 210 – The language that will be used in the legislature
• Article 213 – Governor’s authority to enact ordinances
• Article 214 – States’ High Courts
• Article 215 – High Court will be a court of record
• Article 217 – Judges of the high court are appointed and their duties are defined.
• Article 226 – High Courts have the authority to issue certain writs.
• Article 233 – Appointment of District judges
• Article 235 – Control over subordinate courts
• Article 236 – Interpretation

Part 7 – (Article 238) : Revoked

Part 8- Union Territories (Article 239 – 242)

• Article 239 A – For certain UTs, the formation of a local legislature, a council of ministers, or both.
• Article 239 AA – Special provisions for Delhi
• Article 239 AB – Provisions for when the constitutional machinery fails
• Article 239 B – During the Legislature’s recess, the administrator has the authority to promulgate ordinances.
• Article 240 – The president has the authority to enact regulations for certain Union territories
• Article 241 – High courts for Union territories

Part 9- Panchayats (Article 243 – 243-O)

• Article 243 A – Gram Sabha 
• Article 243 B – Panchayat’s Constitution
• Article 243 C – Panchayat’s Composition
• Article 243 D – Reservation of seats in Panchayats
• Article 243 E – Panchayats’ tenure
• Article 243 F – Membership disqualifications
• Article 243 G – Panchayats’ powers, authority, and responsibilities
• Article 243 H – Powers to impose taxes by, and Funds of, the Panchayats
• Article 243 I – Constitution of Finance Commission to review the financial position
• Article 243 K – The Panchayat elections
• Article 243 O – Bar to interference by courts in electoral matters

Part 9A – Municipalities (Article 243(P) – 243(ZG))

• Article 243 P – Definitions.
• Article 243 Q – Constitution of Municipalities
• Article 243 R – Composition of Municipalities.
• Article 243 S – Constitution and composition of Wards Committees, etc.
• Article 243 T. Reservation of seats.
• Article 243 U – Duration of Municipalities, etc.
• Article 243 V – Disqualifications for membership.
• Article 243 W – Powers, authority, and responsibilities of Municipalities, etc.
• Article 243 X – Power to impose taxes by, and Funds of, the Municipalities.
• Article 243 Y – Finance Commission.
• Article 243 Z – Audit of accounts of Municipalities.
• Article 243 ZA – Elections to the Municipalities.
• Article 243 ZB – Application to Union territories.
• Article 243 ZC – Part not to apply to certain areas.
• Article 243 ZD – Committee for district planning.
• Article 243 ZE – Committee for Metropolitan planning.
• Article 243 ZF – Continuance of existing laws and Municipalities.
• Article 243 ZG – Bar to interference by courts in electoral matters.

Part 10 – Scheduled and Tribal Areas (Article no. 244)

• Article 244 – Scheduled Areas and Tribal Areas Administration (Except for the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Mizoram, the provisions of the Fifth Schedule apply to the administration and control of Scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes in all other states).
• Article 244 A – Formation of an autonomous state in Assam consisting of certain tribal areas, as well as the establishment of a local legislature or council of ministers, or both.

Part 11 – Centre-State Relations (Article no. 245 – 263)  

• Article 245 – Legislative power distribution
• Article 246 – The subject of laws enacted by Parliament and state legislatures.
• Article 247 – Power of Parliament to provide for the establishment of certain additional courts.
• Article 248 – Legislative residuary powers.
• Article 250 – Power of Parliament to legislate with respect to any matter in the State List if a Proclamation of Emergency is in operation.
• Article 258 – In some cases, the Union has the authority to confer powers, etc., on states.
• Article 260 – The Union’s jurisdiction over territories outside of India
• Article 262 – Disputes involving inter-state rivers or river valleys are adjudicated.
• Article 263 – Provisions with respect to an Inter-State Council.

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