Importance of Niti Aayog in India

NITI Aayog was established on January 1st, 2015. The term “NITI” signifies morality, behavior, guidance, etc. in Sanskrit. It refers to policy in the current context, and NITI stands for “National Institution for Transforming India.” It is the leading institution for determining policy in the nation and is anticipated to accelerate economic expansion and to build a powerful state that will aid in building a vibrant and powerful country. This aids India’s emergence as a significant global economy. The NITI Aayog is the organization behind the “Team India Hub” and the “Knowledge and Innovation Hub”. In addition to developing long-term, strategic plans and initiatives for the Government of India, NITI Aayog also offers the Center, states, and Union Territories pertinent technical guidance. NITI Aayog’s CEO at the moment is Mr. Parameswara Iyer .

The NITI Aayog is an Executive Body:

  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the abolition of the Planning Commission in 2014 and established NITI Aayog by an executive order.
  • It is not a statutory or constitutional body.

Documents Published by NITI Aayog:

The following are the documents that NITI Aayog has published.

  • Fifteen-Year Vision: The first is a “vision” for the next 15 years that includes the overarching aims and objectives of the nation.
  • Seven-Year Strategy: The second is a seven-year “Strategy,” which establishes the development roadmap for the following seven years and splits those aims and objectives into two categories.
  • Three-Year Action Agenda: The third and last step is a “Three Year Action Agenda,” which further divides the plan into two sections by listing the actions and goals that must be achieved over the following three years.

The Fifteen-Year Vision and Seven-Year Strategy papers are now being created at the NITI Aayog.

NITI Aayog`s entire gamut of activities can be divided into  four main heads:

  1. Framework for policy and programs
  2. Federalism in cooperation
  3. Evaluation and Monitoring
  4. Knowledge and Innovation Hub and Think Tank

NITI Aayog Strategy for New India:

  • In order to realize India’s full potential, the paper has highlighted 41 distinct sectors that call for either a tighter focus on implementing the flagship initiatives already in place or a new design and effort.
  • It then finds the binding limitations and suggests solutions to deal with them.
  • The strategy is thought to give the government departments and agencies, both at the federal and state levels, a list of easily implementable actions.
  • In order to fulfil the objectives set forth for New India, the emphasis is on improving the policy environment. This will maximize the involvement of private investors and other stakeholders.

Objectives of NITI Aayog:

  1. States’ active engagement serves as a framework or “national agenda” in light of national objectives.
  2. To continuously advance cooperative federalism through well-planned support systems and activities with the states.
  3. To develop techniques for creating a trustworthy plan at the village level and subsequently combine these at higher tiers of government
  4. An economic strategy that takes national security issues into account.
  5. To provide the societal groups who might not be able to fully benefit from economic advancement additional consideration.
  6. To put forth long-term, strategic frameworks for policies and programs and activities, and to assess the efficacy of such frameworks and efforts.
  7. To create a common network of national and international professionals, as well as an entrepreneurial support system.
  8. To provide a platform for the settlement of cross-departmental and cross-sectoral disagreements in order to advance the progressive agenda more quickly.
  9. To maintain a cutting-edge Resource Center, serve as a repository for research on good governance and best practices in sustainable and equitable development, and assist in participants’ access to these resources.
  10. To efficiently evaluate the execution of projects and programs, including the determination of the resources required to increase the chance of success.
  11. Must pay attention to programs and efforts for capacity growth and technological enhancement.

Achievements of NITI Aayog:

The Report 2019- 2020 mention the achievement of NITI Aayog:

1. Monitoring and evaluating the MAFAP program in India’s food and agricultural policies: NITI Aayog and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization collaborated on the research (FAO).

  1. Its primary objective is to track, evaluate, and change food and agricultural policy.
  2. The first phase of the (MAFAP) program lasted from 23 September to 31 December 2019.
  3. Selected agricultural products marketing committee and districts, as reported, are subject to national agricultural pricing policy and national food security policy
  4. The MAFAP program’s second phase is slated to run from January 1 through January 31, 2021.

2. Zero Budget Natural Farming was supported by the NITI Aayog governing council.

3. In addition, the Paramparaget Krishi Vikas Yojana’s “Bhartiya Prakritik Krishi paddhati” initiative promotes natural farming (PKVY).

4. A concept for a village storage scheme has been developed. The Dhaanya Lakshmi Village Scheme was also suggested in the Union Budget for 2021.

NITI Aayog has Identified Seven Pillars for Good Governance:

The 7 pillars of successful governance form the foundation of the NITI Aayog. As follows:

  1. Pro-people: It satisfies both societal and personal objectives.
  2. Pro-activity: Being proactive means being aware of and responding to public demands.
  3. Participation: Public participation
  4. Empowering: Specifically, empowering women in all spheres.
  5. Including everyone: Including everyone, regardless of caste, creed, or gender
  6. Quality: Opportunity for all, especially for young people
  7. Transparency: Making the government accessible and responsive.


The clarity of the duties assigned, the stature and authority granted, and the caliber of the individuals who will drive the organization will determine the efficiency of the NITI Aayog in transforming India. In reality, the first Aayog will be tasked with carving out a place for itself, as well as setting the pace and driving the transition. The states’ confidence and collaboration will be critical to ensuring cooperative federalism’s success. The first Aayog, in particular, would face a monumental job in determining its character and setting a route to reshape India.

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