Implementing UDP Through C#

UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol. It is a connectionless protocol. When you send data or message, you don’t know if it will get there, it could get lost on the way. There may be corruption while transferring a message. UDP does not use streaming and it uses datagrams instead of streams. It is light weighted. There is No ordering of messages It’s just like fire(send) and forgets! This means it is a lot faster, UDP does not provide a guarantee it will be delivered or not or also cannon tracked once fired.

UDP is an alternative Protocol to Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). UDP is commonly used for applications that can handle some packet loss. such as streaming audio and video.

Here we see the implementation of UDP using C#.



// Server-Side Implementation Of UDP:
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;
class StudentUDPServer
    public static void Main()
        UdpClient udpc = new UdpClient(7878);
        Console.WriteLine("Server Started, servicing on port no. 7878");
        IPEndPoint ep = null;
        while (true){
          // Store received data from client
            byte[] receivedData = udpc.Receive(ref ep);
            string studentName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receivedData);
            string msg = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings[studentName];
            if (msg == null) msg = "No such Student available for conversation";
            byte[] sdata = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(msg);
            udpc.Send(sdata, sdata.Length, ep);
// Client-Side Implementation Of UDP:
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
class StudentUDPClient
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        UdpClient udpc = new UdpClient("PC_NAME", 7878);
        IPEndPoint ep = null;
        while (true)
            Console.Write("Enter Your Name: ");
            string studentName = Console.ReadLine();
          // Check weather student entered name to start conversation
              if (studentName == ""){
              Console.Write("You did not enter your name. Closing...");
              // Data to send
            byte[] msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(studentName);
            udpc.Send(msg, msg.Length);
          // received Data
            byte[] rdata = udpc.Receive(ref ep);
            string job = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(rdata);



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