Impact of Globalization on India

Globalization is defined as the integration between countries through foreign trade and foreign investments by multinational corporations (MNCs). It has a major and almost instantaneous impact on the Indian economy.

Effect of Globalization on India

Let’s discuss what is Globalization, its effect on the Indian economy and society, advantages, etc in detail

Globalization Meaning

Globalization refers to the integration of the national economy and society with that of the global economy.

When a country throws open its gates, it welcomes unlimited communication, international trade, capital, technology, and cultural cosmopolitanism practices from other countries.

The reduction of export subsidies and import barriers has led to free trade. This has made the untapped Indian market more attractive to the communities internationally.

Effect of Globalization on India

The developed countries have been trying to pursue the developing countries for the liberation of trade and to allow flexibility in business policies to provide opportunities to MNCs in the Indian market. They are helped by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank in this endeavor.

  • Indian government liberalized trade and investment after pressure from World Trade Organization.
  • Import duties were cut down phase-wise to allow MNCs to operate in India on basis of equality.
  • The growth of foreign investments in fields of the corporate, retail, and scientific sectors is enormous in the country. This has a tremendous impact on social, monetary, cultural, and political areas.
  • The growth of global trade, doctrines, and culture can be seen in India.
  • Indian society changed drastically with urbanization and globalisation and economic policies came to influence the framework of the country’s economy.
  • Cross-country culture and cosmopolitanism are important impacts of globalisation on the society of India.

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Globalization in Indian Economy

There was a significant impact felt in the industrial, financial and agricultural sectors:


The massive influx of both foreign capital investment and companies offshoring in India, particularly chemical, pharmaceutical manufacturing, and petroleum industries. Advanced kind of technologies and processes helped modernize the Indian industrial sector.


Before globalization, India’s financial sector was mismanaged by corruption and inept government officials. By taking charge of the financial sector out of the hands of bureaucracy, market competition increased in the field of innovation, creating more dimensions in the financial sector.


India is an agrarian economy, with the majority of the population depended on it. With globalization, the technological capabilities of farmers increased and gave a boost to exports from India.


This is a principal result of globalization. Outsourcing has increased because of the increase in the quick forms of communication especially the growth of the IT sector. Many services such as voice-based business processes, accountancy, etc. are being outsourced by companies from advanced countries to India.

Advantage of Globalization

Scientists have closed different beneficial outcomes of globalisation which a few created nations appreciate today. It’s difficult to experience every one of them, yet we should zero in on a few fundamental focuses.

Here are some of the most important benefits or advantages of the globalisation process in India:

Global Market

This advantage implies that it empowers countries to practice and deliver a lot of products accessible in their neighborhood market.

Various nations produce various items and what is generally astounding is that there is no country that is independent. A few nations with created economies need more unrefined substances for their production lines, while the rest gather costs more than they ought to.

Surplus of employment opportunities

It helped to uplift many out of extreme poverty, also improving employee benefits offered. This is because of:

  1. Export Growth.
  2. Lifting restrictions on capital inflows and outflows.

Cross Cultural Management

Every nation has its own way of life. Culture relates to the manner in which specific individuals get things done as well as their qualities and acceptance. Before globalisation, numerous nations wouldn’t permit females to procure training, and regardless of whether they, should take care of responsibilities like education or nursing.

Presently a lot of states have taken on elements of American culture even in the manner they do business. For example, one of the United States’ highlights is keeping time as well as getting its worth.


A rivalry is a solid approach to carrying on with work. Without it, organizations wouldn’t spearhead a few developments in cross-line exchange. It is the fundamental justification for why the nature of labor and products improve as well as why the costs drop.

Contest impacted enterprises in a few created nations to source modest unrefined components and work to diminish costs. Individuals from the principal world can manage the cost of themselves to purchase items from homegrown enterprises and unfamiliar ones.

Contest causes expanded correspondence of thoughts and advancement as individuals attempt to observe an upper hand for their business. Job Opportunity About 90% of the principal total populace acquires for living through work.

Reducing the Gap between Rich and Poor

Globalisation has prominently waned the entirety among rich and destitute individuals. For a long time, there has been a wide hole between these gatherings, a hole that appeared to augment consistently.

It empowered needy individuals to approach open positions. Quite some time in the past individuals who worked in government areas and organizations got significant compensations, however presently even overeducated representatives bring in a little cash. Therefore, numerous businesses enlist qualified specialists and pay them short of what they merit.


The number of inhabitants in created nations like to put cash in beneficial organizations as opposed to storing it in banks. The explanation is, they endeavor to acquire professionally remotely in light of the fact that ventures guarantee they will acquire great benefits with no endeavors.

Tragically, such a choice is accessible just for those individuals in created nations as expected defaults of economies in third-world states make it uncertain. Individuals are hesitant to contribute their income since they can not foresee whether their public cash will be comparable to the US dollar one year from now. Others spend it by laying out firms and enterprises in outside nations where they gain benefits.

Advanced innovation

Cutting-edge innovations are a consequence of globalisation. A consistent requirement for advancements showed up because of the absence of speedy information moves and public correspondence.

Bunches of creators have attempted to serve the necessities of present-day culture by further developing innovation. Its progression has prepared for constructive outcomes of globalization in nations that at first would rather not partner with others. Such states select accomplices for collaboration relying upon religion as opposed to the economy.

Cultural Impact of Globalization in India

Globalisation increased access to television and other entertainment sources. In cities, Internet facility is extended and also to rural areas through schemes like Smart Cities Mission.

There is an increase in global food chains and restaurants in India and the entertainment sector has obtained a global market. Women are getting the equal opportunities they deserve and empowerment.

The Globalisation Debate

There are quite a few arguments in favour and against globalisation. Let’s discuss them separately in detail.

Globalisation Pros

Globalisation has significantly affected a few emerging nations. It’s the justification for the quick development and improvement of these nations. Let’s discuss some beneficial outcomes or pros of globalization in India.

Poverty Eradication

Before globalization, emerging nations had a lot of assets which they didn’t have the foggiest idea of how to utilize. Their populace was uninformed as well as there were no streets or methods of transport.

These days individuals comprehended the meaning of instruction and ways of life as outsiders got comfortable in these nations. Thus, local people went to schools laid out by the pioneers and got work in their organizations and enterprises. 

Availability of Employment

Most created nations have loads of instructed jobless individuals. Globalization offers them work chances in different nations. Their essential benefit over the occupants of the created nations is the way that they offer modest administrations.

They are likewise open to learning as they see themselves as fortunate to have another life.


Globalization has empowered further investigations. Most created nations have progressed schools and universities. They urge individuals from abroad to concentrate there.

The literacy level became high and foreign universities are collaborating with different Indian Universities and Indian educational system embraced globalization through Information Technology and offers opportunities to evolve education.


Globalization has assisted with moving innovation to non-industrial nations. A few financial backers and outsiders who have a deal with individuals from agricultural nations are expected to speak with them and trade thoughts as well as data.

The quickest method for doing it was through utilizing present-day innovation. It has extraordinarily helped individuals from agricultural nations. The greater part of them can trade merchandise online at a low cost. 

Foreign Investments

Globalization acquired the requirement for individuals from created states to put resources into a few agricultural nations. The unfamiliar venture is one of the aftereffects of globalization that comes full circle in numerous improvements in these nations.

For example, a few financial backers believe unrefined components and products should be moved quickly to the business and the market separately. The best way to do this is to help every administration in the structure have a productive foundation.

Globalisation Cons

Although the agricultural nations have had many advantages from globalization in India, there are a couple of disadvantages it has caused in the non-industrial nations. Let’s discuss some of them.

Displacements of Workers

On account of globalization, there are open doors all around our enormous world. Nonetheless, the vast majority have needed to leave their families for a long time as they work abroad. Therefore, couples have separated, remarried, and left desperate kids helpless before volunteers and havens.

A few kids haven’t had the option to address their old-matured guardians’ issues in light of the fact that the cash they procure from their occupation isn’t sufficient.


In practically all emerging nations a portion of the functioning populace depended on relaxed positions in enterprises until globalization flourished. The progression of innovation has decreased such business and expanded worldwide requirements for talented experts.

A greater part of individuals in non-industrial nations doesn’t have abilities, while the accessible positions are ineffectively paid for because of the popularity brought about by globalization. A large portion of individuals is left jobless and unfit to meet their fundamental necessities bringing about expanded crimes like robbery, pickpocketing, murder, and illicit drug use.

Increased Lifestyle illnesses

Globalization has gotten the utilization of handled food sources, establishing crops utilizing synthetics to limit the term of development and increment benefit. To profit from the business, creatures, for example, the cows are benefited from synthetics that make them produce a ton of milk or expansion in weight for those that are sold for the meat business.

Because of the expanded ingestion of synthetic substances from food varieties, constant infections are on the ascent. The death rate is high. Besides, there is a decrease in life expectancy in emerging nations.

Abandonment of Culture

Each people group, society, or country has its qualities and convictions, in other words – its own way of life. They are fundamental since they form a satisfactory way of behaving for individuals in a specific local area. The older folks or pioneers guarantee that individuals act in an ethically upstanding manner.

Nonetheless, globalization blended various societies. Then individuals reevaluated their legitimate standards and customs seeing their way of life as crude. A few countries from emerging nations take on the western culture and forsake their own. 


Not a year closes without rates of illegal intimidation locally, something that has impacted government assistance and solidarity that existed before globalization. As per ongoing examinations, there were 9,000 terrorist assaults performed worldwide in 2017.

This measurement sounds actually alarming. Sadly, my old neighborhood isn’t a special case. Last year, our huge city shopping center was consuming. The police contended that fire was brought about by pyro-crime.

Price Instability

Value unsteadiness is a tremendous impact on globalization on business. Certain individuals lay out ventures abroad where they get modest unrefined components and work.

They can ameliorate creation expenditures and peddle their products at a low cost. Because of rivalry, a few top-notch items vary in cost. Regardless of how the World Trade Organization has attempted to control cost variance, their endeavors are not fruitful. 

Currency Fluctuation

Global exchange trades items utilizing the US dollar. The cost of dollars fluctuates every day in emerging nations, and this results in an imbalanced economy and abnormal costs for labor and products. Public monetary standards are impacted the most by IGOs.

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Factors Helping Globalization in India

Here are some of the most important factors aiding the process of globalization in India:

  • Technology: Rapid improvement in innovation has been one main consideration that has animated the globalization cycle.
  • Trade obstruction: Tax on imports is an illustration of an exchange hindrance. It is known as an obstruction since some limitation has been arranged.
  • Liberalization: Removing hindrances or limitations set by the public authority is the thing known as advancement. With the advancement of exchange,  organizations are permitted to settle on choices uninhibitedly about what they wish to import or product.
  • Advancement: Financial progression implies a continuous decrease in limitations and controls forced by the public authority in open exercises. This builds the extent of the open market where the clients, the makers, and the dealers can take and execute their own choices.
  • Advancement of unfamiliar exchange and FDI strategy: The hindrances to unfamiliar exchange and unfamiliar ventures were eliminated generally. This implied that products could be imported and traded effectively and furthermore unfamiliar organizations could set up industrial facilities and workplaces here. Eliminating boundaries or limitations set by the public authority is something known as advancement. 
  • WTO: World Trade Organization (WTO) is an association whose point is to change worldwide exchange. Begun at the drive of the created nations, WTO lays out rules with respect to global trade and sees that these principles are complied with. Complete 149 nations of the world are at present individuals from the WTO (2006).

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FAQs on Globalization and Indian Economy

Define Globalization.

Globalization refers to the phenomenon of growing interdependence of world’s economies, cultures and populations, by trade of goods,services and people.

What are the impacts of globalization on Indian economy?

The important impacts of globalization relates to advancement and expansion of education, trade, technology, competition, investments and capital flows, employment and so forth.

What is economic globalization?

It refers to the increasing interdependence of world econoies as result of increasing cross-border trade of commodities and services.

What accelerated the process of globalization in India?

Technology is very influential for helping growth of globalization in India like internet and global communication.

What is globalization 4.0 all about?

It refers to the phenomenon that intensifies trade and increasing interdependence among nations.

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