Image Steganography using Stegosuite in Linux

With the rapid growth of network bandwidth and digital-communication techniques, the Internet is available to the majority of the population and it also becomes the common channel for transmitting many documents—for instance, video, image, text, and audio (in digital form). Many practices and methods have been developed to make the transmission of data more secure. The problem is that the focus of the current research is mainly on the better designing of data-hiding techniques used for transmitting secret data where digital images are selected as the cover-media. Unlike the other forms of communication, the process of steganography is defeated when the communication between sender and receiver is detected. Therefore, the first requirement for a good steganographic structure is it is undetectable.   

Hiding secret information in Audio and Images: Many methods for hiding information in audio and images exist. These methods may include hiding information in unused space in file headers to hold “extra” information. Embedding techniques can range from the placement of indistinguishable information level, sometimes it includes manipulation of compression algorithms, and to the extent of modification of properties of the carrier. In audio file Steganography, small echoes or slight delays can be added or indistinct signals can be masked by sounds of higher amplitude.

Stegosuite: Stegosuite is a graphical steganography tool (this is the main difference between Stegosuite and Stegohide). It is used to hide secret data or information in image files. Stegosuite provides the facility of embedding text messages and multiple files of any type.  To make the process of embedding more secure, the embedded data is encrypted using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard). Currently, the Stegosuite tool supports BMP, GIF, JPG, and PNG file types.  

Installing Stegosuite: To install the Stegosuite tool in Kali Linux follow the below commands. 

sudo apt-get update -y

// Execute above command  first then execute 
// next command to avoid Archives 
// Installation Error
sudo apt-get install stegosuite

Now after complete execution of the above commands. To run Stegosuite simply type “stegosuite” in  terminal.


Embed data:

  1. stegosuite command will open the Stegosuite window.
  2. Click on the file in the Stegosuite window to select the image file.
  3. Type the secret message or select the text files you want to embed in the image.
  4. Choose any password and after that click on the Embed button.

In the above image, We are hiding a secret message as well as a text file. Then we just need to click on Embed and Steganography will be done.

Extract Data:

  1. Click on the file in Stegosuite window to select the stego file you want to extract hidden information from
  2. Type the password and click the extract button
  3. The hidden data will be extracted

Type your Password and click on Extract. The hidden message and text files will be visible now. 

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