IIT-JEE Exam Experience

Navigating the IIT JEE Journey: Tips and Insights


In the labyrinth of competitive exams, one journey stands out as both exhilarating and challenging – the path to conquering the IIT JEE. As I reflect on my own odyssey through this demanding yet rewarding adventure, I am inspired to share my experiences, insights, and strategies with the future torchbearers of excellence. My name is Moksh Kajaliya and I traversed the intricacies of the IIT JEE examination, emerging triumphant on the other side. The purpose of this publication is not just to recount my story, but to guide and empower aspirants who seek to embark on a similar path and pave a way for you who have a similar vision or dream or goal to crack one of the most prestigious institution of our country .

Format of the Exam:

The IIT JEE Main examination is the first stage of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) in India. This stage serves as a qualifying round for the JEE Advanced exam, which is the gateway to the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs).

1. Subjects:

The JEE Main exam covers three main subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Each subject carries equal weight in terms of the number of questions and marks.

2. Types of Questions:

The questions in JEE Main can be of two types:

a. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): These questions have four answer choices, out of which only one is correct.

b. Numerical Value Questions: In these questions, candidates need to enter the numerical value as the answer. These questions don’t have options.

3. Marking Scheme:

The marking scheme for JEE Main varies based on the question type:

For MCQs:

Correct Answer: +4 marks

Incorrect Answer: -1 mark (negative marking)

Unanswered: 0 marks

For Numerical Value Questions:

Correct Answer: +4 marks

Incorrect Answer: -1 mark (negative marking)

Unanswered: 0 marks

4. Exam Duration:

The JEE Main exam is conducted over a span of multiple days and sessions. Each session typically has a duration of 3 hours.

5. Paper Options:

There are two paper options in JEE Main:

a. Paper 1: For candidates aspiring to get admission into B.E./B.Tech courses. This paper includes questions from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

b. Paper 2: For candidates seeking admission into B.Arch and B.Planning courses. This paper includes Mathematics, Aptitude Test, and Drawing Test.

6. Exam Pattern:

The distribution of questions across subjects in Paper 1 is relatively balanced, with each subject having around 25 questions. The total number of questions and marks may vary from year to year.

7. JEE Main Score and Ranking:

Candidates’ JEE Main scores are calculated based on their performance in the exam. The final result is presented in the form of a percentile score, which indicates the percentage of candidates who scored equal to or below a particular candidate’s score. This score is used to determine a candidate’s All India Rank (AIR).

8. Qualification for JEE Advanced:

The top 2,50,000 candidates (including all categories) from JEE Main are eligible to appear for the JEE Advanced examination. JEE Advanced is the second stage of the selection process for admissions to the IITs.


JEE Advanced is the second stage of the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) and is conducted by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) for admission to undergraduate engineering programs at the IITs. It is considered one of the most challenging engineering entrance exams in India.

1. Subjects:

The JEE Advanced exam covers the same three subjects as JEE Main: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics.

2. Types of Questions:

JEE Advanced comprises two compulsory papers, each with different types of questions:

a. Paper 1:

Section 1: Contains Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with single or multiple correct options.

Section 2: Contains Numerical Value Questions.

b. Paper 2:

Section 1: Contains Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with single or multiple correct options.

Section 2: Contains Numerical Value Questions.

3. Marking Scheme:

The marking scheme in JEE Advanced can vary from year to year, but generally:

For MCQs with one correct answer:

Correct Answer: +3 marks

Incorrect Answer: -1 mark (negative marking)

Unanswered: 0 marks

For MCQs with multiple correct answers:

Correct Answers: +4 marks

Incorrect Answers: -2 marks (negative marking)

Unanswered: 0 marks

For Numerical Value Questions:

Correct Answer: +3 marks

Incorrect Answer: 0 marks (no negative marking)

Unanswered: 0 marks

This is the just general marking scheme which is analyzed by using previous year paper’s data

4. Exam Duration:

Each paper in JEE Advanced is typically conducted on the same day with a duration of 3 hours for each paper.

5. Syllabus:

The syllabus for JEE Advanced is extensive and covers a wide range of topics in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. It goes beyond the JEE Main syllabus and often includes advanced concepts.

6. Question Paper Pattern:

The question paper of JEE Advanced is known for its complexity and depth. It includes questions that test a candidate’s conceptual understanding, analytical skills, and problem-solving abilities. The questions may require a combination of multiple concepts to solve.

7. Qualification and Ranking:

Candidates are ranked based on their aggregate marks in both Paper 1 and Paper 2. The ranking forms the basis for admission to various IITs and other participating institutions. The admission process involves online counselling and seat allocation based on the candidate’s JEE Advanced rank and preferences.

8. Eligibility:

Only candidates who have qualified the JEE Main and meet certain other criteria are eligible to appear for the JEE Advanced examination.

9. Difficulty Level:

JEE Advanced is known for its high level of difficulty and complexity. It tests not only a candidate’s knowledge but also their ability to apply concepts to solve intricate problems.

Preparation Strategies:

Here are some preparation strategies that can help you navigate these competitive exams effectively:

1. Understand the Syllabus:

Thoroughly review the official syllabus for JEE Main and Advanced. Understand the topics and subtopics that are covered in each subject.

2. Create a Study Plan:

Develop a well-structured study plan that covers all subjects and topics evenly.

Allocate more time to challenging topics and less time to areas you’re already comfortable with.

3. Conceptual Understanding:

Focus on building a strong foundation in concepts rather than memorizing formulas or facts.

Try to understand the underlying principles and logic behind each concept.

4. Study Materials:

Use standard textbooks recommended for JEE preparation. These books often provide in-depth explanations and a wide range of practice problems.

Online resources, video lectures, and study apps can also complement your preparation.

5. Practice Regularly:

Regular practice is key. Solve a variety of problems, including those from previous years’ papers and mock tests.

Practice will improve your speed, accuracy, and problem-solving skills.

6. Mock Tests and Previous Year Papers:

Regularly take full-length mock tests for both JEE Main and Advanced. This will help you get accustomed to the exam format and improve your time management.

Analyze your performance after each test to identify strengths and weaknesses.

7. Time Management:

Learn to manage your time effectively during the exam. Work on improving your speed while maintaining accuracy.

Set time limits for solving different types of problems during practice.

8. Revision Strategy:

Regularly revise what you’ve studied to reinforce your memory.

Create concise notes or flashcards for quick revision.

9. Breaks and Health:

Take short breaks during study sessions to avoid burnout.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle by getting adequate sleep, staying hydrated, and eating nutritious food.

10. Stay Positive and Manage Stress:

Keep a positive attitude throughout your preparation journey. Believe in yourself and your abilities.

Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation to manage stress.

11. Seek Help When Needed:

Don’t hesitate to ask teachers, mentors, or peers for help when you encounter difficult concepts.

Join study groups or online forums to discuss doubts and share insights.

12. Analyze Mistakes:

Review and learn from your mistakes. Identify common errors and work on avoiding them in the future.

13. Simulate Exam Conditions:

As the exam approaches, simulate the actual exam conditions during your mock tests to get a feel for the pressure and time constraints.

14. Balance JEE Main and Advanced Preparation:

Understand the differences in the syllabus and question patterns between JEE Main and Advanced. Allocate more time for Advanced preparation once you’re confident in the JEE Main syllabus.

15. Stay Adaptable:

Be open to adjusting your study plan and strategies based on your progress and changing circumstances.

Remember, consistency, dedication, and a positive mindset are key components of successful JEE Main and Advanced preparation. Tailor your strategies based on your strengths and weaknesses, and always believe in your potential to achieve your goals.

Subject or Individual Topics to Focus


Common Topics for JEE Main and Advanced:

• Mechanics (Kinematics, Laws of Motion, Work-Energy Theorem)

• Electrostatics and Current Electricity

• Waves and Sound

• Optics (Geometrical and Wave Optics)

• Modern Physics (Atomic Structure, Nuclei, Dual Nature of Matter)

Advanced-Level Topics (For JEE Advanced):

• Rotational Mechanics

• Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

• Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer

• Fluid Mechanics

• Magnetism


Common Topics for JEE Main and Advanced:

• Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

• Equilibrium

• Thermodynamics

• Chemical Kinetics

• Coordination Compounds

• Basic Organic Chemistry (Hydrocarbons, Alcohols, Phenols, Aldehydes, Ketones, Carboxylic Acids)

Advanced-Level Topics (For JEE Advanced):

• Ionic Equilibrium

• Electrochemistry

• p-Block Elements

• Aromatic Compounds

• Stereochemistry

• Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives


Common Topics for JEE Main and Advanced:

• Algebra (Quadratic Equations, Progressions, Permutations and Combinations)

• Trigonometry

• Coordinate Geometry

• Differential and Integral Calculus (Basic Concepts)

• Probability and Statistics

Advanced-Level Topics (For JEE Advanced):

• Matrices and Determinants

• Limits, Continuity, and Differentiability

• Application of Derivatives

• Definite and Indefinite Integrals

• 3D Geometry

Remember, the level of depth and complexity of each topic may differ between JEE Main and Advanced. It’s important to thoroughly cover the common topics and then gradually transition into the advanced-level topics as you approach the JEE Advanced exam. Additionally, focus on your strengths while continuously working to improve your weaker areas.

While the topics mentioned above are key areas, it’s important to have a balanced approach to your preparation. Cover all the topics in each subject to ensure a well-rounded understanding of the subjects and concepts. Regular practice, solving previous year papers, and taking mock tests will also help you gauge your progress and refine your strategy further.


1. Create a Study Schedule:

Develop a detailed study plan that covers all subjects and topics.

Allocate time based on your strengths and weaknesses, giving more time to challenging subjects or topics.

2. Set Realistic Goals:

Break down your study plan into smaller, achievable goals for each study session.

Celebrate your achievements as you reach these milestones.

3. Prioritize Subjects and Topics:

Focus on high-weightage and frequently asked topics first.

As the exam approaches, allocate more time to advanced-level topics and areas that require extra attention.

4. Divide Study Sessions:

Break your study sessions into focused chunks, typically 1.5 to 2 hours, followed by a short break.

This approach helps maintain concentration and prevents burnout.

5. Include Regular Breaks:

Take short breaks of 5-10 minutes between study sessions to relax and recharge.

Use longer breaks of 20-30 minutes to engage in a physical activity or hobby.

6. Revise Regularly:

Schedule regular revision sessions to reinforce what you’ve learned.

Regular revision prevents forgetting and helps consolidate your knowledge.

7. Practice Time-Bound Tests:

Include timed practice tests in your routine to improve your speed and time management skills.

Simulate exam conditions to get used to the pressure.

8. Analyze Mock Test Performance:

After each mock test, review your answers to identify mistakes and areas for improvement.

Adjust your study plan based on your performance in mock tests.

9. Eliminate Time-Wasters:

Identify activities or habits that consume excessive time and reduce their impact.

Limit distractions during study sessions, such as social media and unnecessary phone use.

10. Be Adaptable:

Be flexible with your schedule to accommodate unexpected events or changes in your progress.

Adjust your plan without getting discouraged.

11. Maintain a Balanced Lifestyle:

Get sufficient sleep to ensure your mind is refreshed and focused.

Engage in physical activity and maintain a healthy diet to sustain your energy levels.

12. Allocate Time for Relaxation:

Set aside time for activities you enjoy, such as reading, hobbies, or spending time with family and friends.

Relaxation helps prevent burnout and maintains your mental well-being.

13. Avoid Overloading:

Avoid cramming too many topics into one study session. It can lead to reduced retention and understanding.

Maintain a pace that allows you to grasp concepts thoroughly.

14. Stay Positive:

Maintain a positive attitude toward your goals and progress.

Focus on your achievements and milestones, no matter how small they may seem.

Remember that effective time management is about finding a balance that suits your individual learning style and preferences. Regular self-assessment and adjustments will help you make the most of your study time and maximize your chances of success in the JEE exams.


In summary, preparing for the JEE Main and Advanced exams demands a strategic and disciplined approach. Your journey through these competitive examinations is not merely a test of knowledge, but a demonstration of perseverance, adaptability, and effective study strategies. By understanding the exam formats, prioritizing subjects and topics, and managing your time wisely, you can navigate the challenges with confidence.

Remember that success is not solely defined by a single test result, but by the growth and learning you experience along the way. Embrace the process, stay motivated, and celebrate each milestone, whether big or small. The path to conquering the JEE exams is a transformative one, shaping you into a resilient, knowledgeable, and capable individual ready to excel in the world of engineering and beyond.

As you embark on this journey, believe in your potential, surround yourself with support, and apply the insights and tips shared. Your dedication, combined with effective preparation strategies, will pave the way for your achievements, opening doors to prestigious institutions and promising future opportunities. With focus, determination, and a positive mindset, you are well on your way to realizing your aspirations and emerging victorious in the realm of the JEE Main and Advanced examinations.



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