IIT-JEE Exam Experience

For many, IIT JEE preparation is a dream, for many it is a nightmare, and for many it is something that they rather never talk about. Given the mysterious aura surrounding the big J.

I cracked JEE MAINS of 2022 but couldn’t make it.

A little Background, In 10th Class I Scored 84% & Since Indian Society has the mentality that Anyone Scoring Over 75% should opt for Science, My Parents Forced me to Choose PCM, And I chose that. After completing my boards, my parents immediately started searching for good schools in our town itself for my senior secondary education.

I belong to COVID-19 Batch which was 2020-2022. All my classes were in online mode which you guys isn’t beneficial. I used to do time-pass stuff like playing PUBG, PUBG was on trend back then. Honestly, I haven’t studied much in my 11th class. Afterward, when I got into the 12th class I realized how much time I had wasted in my 11th class. Then slowly I delve into the concepts of physics, mathematics, and chemistry which was way tougher for me because I don’t know any basics of that subject which was studied in 11th class, but I was a quick learner I picked up YouTube videos and started completing my syllabus of 11th class in 2 months of summer vacation. After vacation, we had our offline classes for 2 months only in which I used to study as a normal child do but after sometime my mental health was gotten worse due to family disputes. It was tough for me to handling these situations.

JEE was never been my dream but of course I have to give for getting placed in a good college because most of the college sees your JEE percentile for admissions. I scored 78% in my 12th boards then started doing previous year questions of JEE, As I said I was a quick learner but somewhere somehow due to my mental health it wasn’t that upto the mark. Then the Big J came as soon the dates where getting closer I used to practice, practice and more practice.

When I felt normal, I thought over it and looked for where I screw up. The exam day I was quite terrified, I threw up outside the exam center and as soon as I got the question paper, I went blank…. COMPLETELY BLANK. But somehow by guessing some of the questions and doing some of the questions by myself and of course a bit of cheating (I shouldn’t say but I’m a master in cheating).

I came home and slept. After the completion I was still dealing with my mental health, I used to get anxiety attacks, I was in depression. To overcome that I started working in a call center for some days because results weren’t out.

The day when the result came, I was happy and sad both. Happy because I CRACKED the Big J. After counselling, I got to know I was selected in IIT Bombay for Civil Engineering but the love for computers and softwares didn’t let me chose that opportunity. Even my parents were afraid that if I would go there and do suicide kinda stuff. They didn’t want me to go anywhere. They want me to stay in my town and do engineering from a private college. Unfortunately, I said Yes. No major changes occurred in my life after failing JEE but it changed my outlook toward it. Now I am studying in a good engineering college and having a great time, and now I know that JEE is just another entrance exam to get admitted in IIT. Lesson I learned and want to tell all the parents that keep your child’s mental health good or else it will devast all their career.

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