IIT Bhubaneswar Campus Experience

IIT Bhubaneswar is a decent college with less pressure. As I am in MTECH CSE I feel the college is nice the overall environment is quite positive if you are willing to do something extra or you want to skill up yourself then IIT BBS is a nice place. The campus is filled with full of greenery. Sometimes you can find monkeys also. But trust they will not harm you.

As an MTech student in this college yes there is little peer pressure, but in the end, everything will go smoothly. When I first came to the college for my interview. I felt that its campus was too big and yes, it is true. My train was late. I arrived at college at night. The campus was looking awesome. The giant entrance gave me an IIT vibe.

Then I stayed at RHR Hostel at night. The RHR Hostel was a masterpiece. Every student gets a separate room without sharing except the balcony. The next day was a written test and interview. I was a little nervous as usual. So, my uncle woke me up early in the morning. After the bath and all other morning rituals, I went for breakfast. The food was nice. Then we both went to the School of Electrical Sciences where my interview was to be happen.

The first slot was for the written test which was a cakewalk. The question paper was too easy, I did even not revise a single thing before the exam. Then came to the interview phase when I went for the interview two faculty members were sitting there, asking GATE-related questions. The first question that I encountered was to write a pseudocode for the insertion and deletion of a node in a linked list.

The second question was from Stack, which was very easy. The practical implementation of stack OS, Where the OS uses the stack data structure. And rest questions are from the operating system. Overall, the interview was also nice. Then after the interview the next day we returned to our home.

The major thing that we have to focus on is whatever we are reading for GATE exams whatever the subjects that subject core concepts are important for these interviews. The rest of the thing I accepted this college through COAP counselling. Until now the journey has been very smooth. In the end, I want to say just trust in yourself and god. Jay Jagannath

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