IIM Bangalore Admission Experience

4th March 2023, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi:

99.72 percentile in CAT | GEM Profile | B.Tech in CSE | Work ex of 18 months [considered till date] | 3 months at Infosys and currently working on w3wiki as MTS (technical content, DSA) | 10th/12th/Grad – 93.42/91.0/83.4

Time: Reporting time was 1.00 pm (I got out around 3 pm)

WAT Topic: Will Automation create real employment? [It was held online on 24th February at 12pm]

Interview: I was the 6th member of my panel (Panel 3, total 3 panels). There were 2 male interviewers (M1 in his late 30s and M2 in his 40s) and 1 female member (say F seemed to be in her 40s). The 3rd member of my panel was absent. The interview was around 15 min (Though all others were having 20-25 min of the interview before me).

Here I would share a little incident. When it was time for the 4th member of my panel, the female interviewer by mistake called me instead of the correct person. When I went M1 and M2 were already discussing that with her. They told me that it happened by mistake and told me to wait outside and called the original member.

  • M1 called me. As I entered ‘F’ mentioned the previous incident and it made the environment a bit light.
  • Me: Greeted them.
  • F: Take a sit. (Didn’t even gave me the chance to sit…). So why you left Infosys in the first 3 months of joining.
  • Me: Answered
  • M1: Why is it that you took referrals from your professors only and not your now manager?
  • Me: Mentioned that I was associated with them for a longer period.
  • F: You should have taken a referral from your manager.
  • Me: (Did a mistake) I don’t have that much personal contact with him
  • F: So you don’t believe in building personal relation outside work?
  • Me: (Tried to cover up by mentioning focus on study in personal time).
  • M1: But don’t you think it would be better if you had referral from manager because your professors only know you from one perspective thought you are associated with them for longer period?
  • Me: Sir as you mention it now, I think I should have done that.
  • F: What was your role in Infosys?
  • Me: Answered, also mentioned that I was in the training period, so didn’t get to work on an actual project but got some demo projects.
  • M1: So what is your role in the current company?
  • Me: Answered
  • M1: So it is basically related to technical content?
  • Me: Yes
  • M1: And you guys write content on your own or what?
  • Me: Yes and also there are freelancers.
  • M1: Don’t you think that with so much resources available online, this mode of learning based on pay for courses will not sustain?
  • Me: Sir, it is not based only on sales of offered courses. Though it also has courses, it is basically an open platform from which anyone can read anything for free.
  • F: Then how the company generates revenue?
  • Me: Answered.
  • F: And how big is the company?
  • Me: Answered an estimated size.
  • F: What is the total revenue?
  • Me: Sorry ma’am I don’t have an exact idea about that.
  • M1: So how you approach on how to write an article?
  • Me: Told and was providing them an example of sorting elements.
  • M1: But why do you think there are needs of so many articles on sorting algorithm over the internet?
  • Me: Told them that though there are other resources but providing the correct content which is easily understandable is a key factor.
  • M1: What is the approach to write a topic?
  • Me: Answered (I did a mistake, I perceived it as asked for freelancers and was saying from point of view of an user so M1 interrupts)
  • M1: Why are you saying “they”?
  • Me: Sir there are other freelancer authors and also any student can also provide contents, so I thought from their perspective. Then I answered my perspective.
  • M1: But you write article from what you think is correct? How you get to know what is correct for the user or what he wants?
  • Me: Sir, there is functionality of “Comment” on each post where users let us know there feedback and can improve ourselves.
  • M1: And how regularly is that checked?
  • Me: On daily basis.
  • M1: Tell me anything that you have taken as feedback and improved?
  • Me: Sir the approach that I said earlier was the latest way that I do it and said how earlier I used to do it and what I have changed from the feedbacks.
  • M1: So you are related with drafting the courses?
  • Me: Said that there are different teams who curate the courses that are sold and I am associated with the topics and contents that are freely available.
  • F: So in which domain you wish to pursue after MBA?
  • Me: Mentioned IT domain.
  • F: So Infosys again?
  • Me: Just started answering (F interrupts)
  • F: His face went (made a peculiar face with a smile)
  • Me: No no ma’am there is nothing like that and tried to start answer (F: “I should have clicked you and showed it to you” this also with a smile) [I genuinely don’t know if I made any face or they were just saying it to see how I react]. However, said that the management and software development are not the same category of job. So I will have no issue if I join Infosys again with the responsibilities of managing project.
  • F: (With a smile) whatever, your face and answer don’t match.
  • I just smiled back, don’t know what to say there.
  • F: If your colleague or boss desccribes any weakness of you, what will they say?
  • Me: Probably they will say that I am introverted.
  • F: How are you going to tackle that in a competitive environment during MBA:
  • Me: Said that I think I have already worked in that field and mentioned how I participated in organizing events and involved in student clubs to improve this. Lastly finished by saying that I will participate in student clubs and social activities to improve myself. (She looked a bit satisfied with that part)
  • F to M2: Do you want to ask anything?
  • M2: So you are from Durgapur?
  • Me: Yes.
  • M2: So tell me what are current important things that going in Durgapur?
  • Me: (Couldn’t recall any such important thing going on) Said nothing such important is going on. (Later after the interview I remembered that recently a cricket tournament was held which was inaugurated by few names of Bengali films and also cricketer Sanath Jayasurya came on the day of the final)
  • M2: What are your hobbies, like how you spend your leisure?

Me: Said that I play cricket if I get time or solve sudokus and play mobile games also.

They looked at each other and nodded that they want to end the interview

F: So, do you have any questions for us?

Me: Asked about the Alumni and student relationship and she answered.

After that, the interview ended.

Verdict: Rejected.

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