ICICI Interview Experience for Deputy Manager – II (On-Campus)

ICICI’s selection process consists of two rounds:

  • Resume Screening
  • Online Test
  • Technical Round+HR

Resume Screening: While resume screening isn’t extremely significant in on-campus interviews, it is very significant in off-campus interviews. They are accountable for excluding a number of applicants from consideration. But since our interviews were conducted virtually, it’s crucial to grab the interviewer’s attention right away. So, before creating a resume, check for some advice and tutorials. For the next round, 240 students were chosen.

Online Test

  • The online test featured 30 questions, and we got 90 minutes on the hacker-Earth platform to respond to them. Every question was an MCQ. Additionally, all of the questions were related to computer science and engineerings, such as pseudo code, cloud computing, database management systems, computer networking, operating systems, C++, JAVA, R, Python, data science, and machine learning.
  • I believe that the questions in this round were somewhat arbitrary because it is impossible for anyone to be an expert in all of these subjects. Certain of the questions were also really silly, such as the one that asked about some Google cloud policies.

However, I was able to clear this round and The shortlisted candidates were called for interviews. 

Technical Round + HR(30 minutes): The Interviews were online on-campus, It started with a basic introduction and they jumped straight to questions.

  • First, the interviewer asked to write a program to find the Fibonacci series.
  • Difference b/w Interpreter and Compiler
  • What are OOPs and what are the pillars of OOPs?
  • Why ICICI?
  • What motivates you?

Verdict- Not Selected

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