Icertis Solutions Interview Experience | On-Campus 2020 (Full Time)

Icertis Solutions came for recruiting final year students in our college for the role of Associate Software Engineer. From our college( NIT Delhi), only Computer Science (CSE) Branch students were eligible. 

Due to CoVid-19 restrictions, the complete process was done virtually.

Round 1: Online Test

It was an online test on HackerEarth platform. The test comprised of two sections

The summary of the test is as follows:

Programming questions: 2

Objective questions: 30 MCQs

The coding questions were of 150 marks:

Question 1 -> 100 marks 

Question 2 -> 50 marks

I did both of them partially and got 95/100 and 25/50 in respective questions.

The other students who scored at least 50 marks and did fairly well in Objective MCQs were also selected for the next round.

After this round, 8 people were shortlisted for further rounds.

Round 2: L1 Technical Interview

This was L1-  Technical Interview which was held on HackerEarth Assessments which had a code editor in which both, I and the interviewer can type. He asked me about my projects and some topics related to it. 

Then he gave me a coding question.

Q1. Print “true” if the sum of adjacent elements is constant over the whole array.

I wrote a solution for that and was thinking loud (telling the interviewer, how I am proceeding in question) during that. He asked me a few variations for that, such as for negative integers. 

Q2. The interviewer will choose a number between 1 and 1023. I have got 10 attempts to guess his chosen number. At each guess, he will tell me whether his choice is greater or smaller than my guessed number. 

So this was a direct question of binary search.

All the 8 students cleared this round.

Round 3: L2 Technical Interview

This round was held on Microsoft Teams with a senior employee at Icertis. This round was very relaxed. The interviewer made me comfortable by asking some simple questions and then moved on to asking about my preferred Data Structure. I told him that, I like arrays the most.

He then gave a simple question of array.

Q1. Find alternate difference between all pairs in a given array

Q2. Then he asked a famous puzzle: Torch and Bridge

He then asked me to code it. I provided a recursive solution to it, with the use of an array. It would contain the side of the person on either side of the bridge as 0, if on the starting point and 1 if crossed the bridge. In this round, the code correctness didn’t matter, only the logic has to be correct.

After this round 4 students were selected for the HR interview.

Round 4: HR Interview

This round was basically related to your non-technical skills.  It basically talked about my hobbies, work environment, and how the company is helping its employees during CoVid Times.

 After every round, I asked the interviewer for feedback about what I can improve.

Two days later, the final results were mailed to us. 3 students finally got selected after all the rounds.

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