IBPS PO Prelims Reasoning Question Paper 2021

Directions (1-5): Read the following information and answer the questions that follow:  

In a building, there are three floors, the ground floor is number 1, the immediate above floor is known as floor number 2, same as the top floor is called floor number 3.

Each floor contains three types of flats, 1bhk, 2bhk, and 3bhk. All the 3bhk flats are on the east most sides and all the 1bhk flats are on the west most sides of each floor. Rest 2bhk kept in between the 3bhk and 1bhk floor in each floor. Neither M nor I lives in the same type of flat as O who lives on one of the eastmost sides of one of the floors. The person named M to L lives in that building in which G lives and each of them lives in each of the flats. M lives above O. G does not live on the same floor as O. I lives below M and to the east of G, I and M live in the different types of flats. In the same types of flats, J lives two floors above O and does not live on the same floor as H. L lives neither on the same floor nor on the same types of flat as I. N lives below H.  



Q1. Who lives in the same type of flat just above I?  

a) N  

b) K  

c) H

d) O  

e) None of these

Solution: b

K lives in the same type of flat just above I.

Q2. Who among the following lives on the same floor as J?  

a) L  

b) I  

c) K

d) H  

e) None of these

Solution: d

H lives on the same floor as J.

Q3. Which of the following pairs live on the first floor and the topmost floor respectively?

a) JN  

b) LG

c) GK  

d) KO  

e) None of these

Solution: e

None of these pairs lives on the First Floor and the topmost floor.

Q4- Who lives in the same type of flat just above L?  

a) G  

b) M  

c) N

d) H  

e) None of these

Solution: b

M lives in the same type of flat just above L.

Q5- Which of the following combinations is true?

a) K- Second Floor  

b) G- Top Floor

c) L- Second Floor  

d) H- Second Floor  

e) None of these

Solution: d

H- Second Floor is True.

Direction (6-9): In these questions, the relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. The statements are followed by conclusions. Study the conclusions based on the given statements and select the appropriate answer:

a) If only conclusion I follows.

b) If only conclusion II follows.

c) If either conclusion I or II follows.

d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

e) If both conclusions I and II follow.

Q6. Statements:  

T > R = X; W > Q ≥ P < T ≤ B


I. B > X  

II. Q > T


I. B > X(True)

II. Q > T(False)

Solution: a

If only conclusion I follows.

Q7. Statements:  

L ≤ B ≤ Q = S ≥ F ≥ T = H  


I. Q > T  

II. Q = H


I. Q > T(False)

II. Q = H(False)

Solution: c

If either conclusion I or II follows.

Q8. Statements:  

X ≤ Y ≥ Z > K ≥ D > M  


I. X < Z  

II. Y > D


I. X < Z(False)

II. Y > D(True)

Solution: b

If only conclusion II follows.

Q9. Statements:  

S > V ≥ L ≥ T ≤ W ≤ A > D


I. S > T  

II. A > T


I. S > T (True)

II. A > T(False)

Solution: a

If only conclusion I follows.

Q10. If in the number 781263129458, positions of the first and the seventh digits are interchanged, positions of the second and eighth digits are interchanged and so on the positions of the 6th and 12th digits are interchanged, then which digit will be 5th from the left end?


a) 5  

b) 8  

c) 2  

d) 6  

e) 3

Solution: a

5 will be the fifth from the left end.

Directions (11-15): Read the following information and answer the questions that follow:  

Eight persons i.e. S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting around a square table in which four persons are sitting in a corner and four persons are sitting in the middle of the sides. More than two persons are sitting in the middle of the sides facing outside, the rest facing inside.

Maximum two persons sit between S and U when count left of S. S does not sit at the middle of the side. T sit second to the right of X who sits third to the left of Z. Z is not a neighbour of S and U. Immediate neighbours of U facing the same direction. At most one person sits between X and Y when count left of X. Z and X face the opposite direction to each other. W sits immediate right of V.  



Q11. Who among the following sits second to the left of Y?

a) S

b) W

c) X

d) Z

e) V

Solution: e

V sits second to the left of Y.

Q12. How many persons sit between U and W when counted right of W?

a) Three  

b) Four  

c) Two  

d) Five  

e) One  

Solution: e

When counted right of W, One person sits between U and W.

Q13. Who among the following does not sit at the corner of the table?

a) U

b) Z

c) V

d) S

e) W

Solution: c

V does not sit at the corner of the table.

Q14. Who among the following sits immediate left of T?

a) W

b) T

c) U

d) S

e) X

Solution: c

U sits immediate left of T.

Q15. Who among the following sits second to the left of U?

a) W

b) T

c) X

d) V

e) Z

Solution: a

W sits second to the left of U.

Directions (16-18): Read the following information and answer the questions that follow:  

Six students K, O, R, S, V and Z scored different marks in an examination. R scored more than only K and V. S scored less than only O. V does not score the least. The one who scored the third-highest marks scored 98 marks and V scored 72 marks. The student who scored the maximum marks among them scored 20 marks more than Z’s marks.



Q16. Who has got the third highest marks?

a) S  

b) R

c) Z  

d) V

e) Can’t be determined

Solution: c

Z has got the third highest Marks.

Q17. Which of the following statements is true?

a) K scored more than O  

b) V scored more than K

c) S scored the third-highest  

d) O scored less than R

e) None is correct

Solution: b

V scored more than K.

Q18. What may be possible scores of R?

a) 71  


c) 99  

d) 84

e) 100

Solution: d

84 Possible scores of R.

Direction(19-20): Study the following information and answer the questions given below:
There are seven members M, N, O, P, Q, R and S in the family of three generations. Each generation has a couple. There is no single parent. O is the daughter of R. Q is the mother-in-law of S. P is not married to Q. N is the aunt of R. S is not married to O. M does not have a sister-in-law.

Solution: (19-20) 


Q19. How is O related to Q?
a) Daughter         b) Granddaughter
c) Grandson         d) Sister
e) None of the above
Solution: b
O is the Granddaughter of Q.

Q20. Who among the following is the grandfather of O?
a) S                  b) R
c) P                  d) M
e) None of the above
Solution: d
M is the grandfather of O

Q21. In the word ‘TEACHER’, how many pairs of the letters have the same number of letters between them in both forward and backward directions in the word as in alphabetical series?


(a) More than four
(b) One
(c) None
(d) Three
(e) Two
Solution: d

3 pairs of letters have the same number of letters between them in both forward and backward directions in the word as in alphabetical Series.

Direction (22-24): Study the given information and answer the following questions:

There are a certain number of persons sitting in a linear row and all face north.  The number of persons sitting between R and T is the same as the number of persons sitting to the right of T. S sits second to the right of R. One person sits between S and T. P sits to the left of M. P sits third from one of the extreme ends. P sits just left of X. Four persons sit between M and R. X sits fifth to the left of S.



Q22. Find the total number of persons sitting in the row?

(a) 14

(b) 13

(c) 15

(d) 16

(e) Can’t be determined

Solution: a

14 persons sit in the row.

Q23. how many persons sit between R and M?

(a) Three

(b) Four

(c) Seven

(d) Six

(e) None of these

Solution: b

4 persons sit between R and M.

Q24. What is the position of M with respect to W, if only four persons sit to the right of W?

(a) Immediate right

(b) Third to the left

(c) Fourth to the right

(d) Immediate left

(e) Second to the right

Solution: e

M is Second to the right with respect to W.

Directions (25-27): In each of the questions below are given some statements followed by some Conclusions. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.  

a) If only conclusion I follows.

b) If only conclusion II follows.

c) If either conclusion I or II follows.

d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

e) If both conclusions I and II follow

Q25. Statements:  

few R is D.  

Some R are not V.  

Only a few R is H.  


I. All H can be V.  

II. All V can be D.  

a) If only conclusion I follows.

b) If only conclusion II follows.

c) If either conclusion I or II follows.

d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

e) If both conclusions I and II follow


Solution: e

If both conclusions I and II follow

Q26. Statements:

All bike is mobile.

Every cat is bike.  

Only a few bike is truck.  


I: Some mobile is truck being a possibility.  

II: Some cat can be truck.  

a) If only conclusion I follows.

b) If only conclusion II follows.

c) If either conclusion I or II follows.

d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

e) If both conclusions I and II follow


Solution: b

If only conclusion II follows.

Q27. Statements:

No bike is truck.  

Some truck is bus.  

No bus is train.  


I. No bike is train is not a possibility.  

II. All train being truck is a possibility.  

a) If only conclusion I follows.

b) If only conclusion II follows.

c) If either conclusion I or II follows.

d) If neither conclusion I nor II follows.

e) If both conclusions I and II follow


Solution: b

If only conclusion II follows.

Directions (28-30): Study the following information and answer the given questions

Point M is 4m to the North of Point U. Point U is 12m to the West of point S. Point T is 10m to the South of Point V. Point R is 6m to the West of point T. Point S lies exactly between Point V and Point T. Point R is 5m north of point N. Point Q is 18m west of point N.  




Q28. In which direction is Point T with respect to Point M?

a) North

b) Northwest

c) South

d) Southeast

e) None of these

Solution: d

T is southeast with respect to M.

Q29. What is the shortest distance between Point U and Point V?

a) 10m

b) 12m

c) 13m

d) 17m

e) None of these

Solution: c

13m shortest distance between U and V.

Q30. If Point N is 12m to the East of Point Q, then what is the shortest distance between Point U and Point N?

a) 12m  

b) 10m

c) 9m

d) 8m

e) 16m

Solution: b  

10m shortest distance between U and N.  

Direction (31-35): Study the following information and answer the questions given below:

Fourteen persons viz. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, W, X, Y, and Z sit in two parallel rows (but not necessarily in the same order) in such a way that seven persons sit in each row. A, B, E, F, I W, and X sit in row 1 and face north while C, D, G, H, J, Y and Z sit in row 2 and face south. The persons in row 1 sit exactly opposite to the persons sitting in row 2.  

E faces G and sits immediate right of A. The number of persons sit between I and A is the same as the number of persons sitting to the right of Y. I sits diagonally opposite to J. Z faces W. One person sits between J and G. B sits second to the right of the one who faces G. Three persons sit between B and F. C sits diagonally opposite to F. C and D are immediate neighbours.  



Q31. Who among the following faces H?

a) E

b) X

c) A

d) B

e) None of these

Solution: c

A Faces H.

Q32. Who among the following sits third to the left of X?

a) F

b) A  

c) E

d) W

e) I

Solution: c

E sits third to the left of X.

Q33. What is the position of Y with respect to D?

a) Immediate right

b) Immediate left

c) Third to the left

d) Second to the left

e) Second to the right

Solution: a

Y is Immediate right with respect to D.

Q34. Who among the following sits fourth to the right of the one who faces J?

a) I

b) E

c) W

d) X

e) B

Solution: e

B sits fourth to the right of the one who faces J.

Q35. Four among the following five are alike in a certain way and related to a group, who among the following does not belong to the group?

a) J

b) C

c) F

d) G

e) I

Solution: d

G does not belong to the group.

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