Hybridization of NO3

Hybridization of NO3 is sp2

Arrangement of electrons within the Nitrogen Trioxide (NO3) molecule is referred to as the hybridization of NO3. Usually referred to as nitrate, NO3 is made up of three oxygen atoms and a central nitrogen atom. For an understanding of NO3‘s molecular structure and properties, one must comprehend its hybridization.

In this article, we will learn about the hybridization of NO3 and its geometry, with a brief introduction to the NO3 molecule and the hybridization process.

In chemistry, the process of hybridization is process of combining atomic orbitals to create new hybrid orbitals, which changes the structure of molecules.

About Nitrogen Trioxide (NO3)

One nitrogen atom and three oxygen atoms combine to form the polyatomic ion known as nitrate, or NO3.

  • This molecular arrangement gives NO3 its chemical formula and molecular weight of approximately 62.03 g/mol.
  • Fertilizers usually contain NO3, due to its charge of -1 and high water solubility.
  • The molecular structure of NO3 is characterized by a trigonal planar arrangement consisting of three oxygen atoms joined to a central nitrogen atom.

Key characteristics of NO3 are listed below:



Chemical Formula


Molecular Weight

Approximately 62.03 g/mol



Bond Arrangement

Trigonal planar

Additional Properties

High solubility in water, often found in fertilizers

NO3 Lewis Structure

The Lewis Structure of NO3 is discussed below:

  • Central Nitrogen Atom: The focal point of the arrangement is the nitrogen atom (N) located in the center of the Lewis structure of NO3.
  • Three Oxygen Atoms: Three oxygen atoms (O) envelop the central nitrogen atom, joining forces with the nitrogen atom to finalize the outer electron shells.
  • Double Bonds and Resonance: Resonance causes variations in the real distribution of double bonds, which results in a hybrid resonance. The nitrogen-oxygen bonds exhibit partial double bond character.
  • Lone Pair on Nitrogen: The nitrogen atom contributes to the overall electronic structure by carrying a lone pair of electrons in addition to forming bonds with oxygen.
  • Trigonal Planar Geometry: The NO3 molecule’s spatial orientation is reflected in the trigonal planar molecular geometry that is produced by the arrangement of atoms and electrons.

What is Hybridization of Nitrogen Trioxide (NO3):

Hybridization of NO3 is sp2

The atomic orbitals of nitrogen trioxide (NO3) combine to produce hybrid orbitals during hybridization, which establishes the molecular geometry.

  • One s orbital and two p orbitals combine to form three comparable sp2 hybrid orbitals when nitrogen in NO3undergoes sp2 hybridization.
  • These hybrid orbitals give rise to a trigonal planar molecule shape when they sigma bind with oxygen atoms.
  • In order to accommodate the lone pair, the unhybridized p orbital on nitrogen contributes to the overall resonance structure of NO3.

Understanding the molecular structure and reactivity of nitrogen trioxide in many chemical processes depends on this hybridization.

Geometry and Bond Angle in Hybridization of NO3

  • Bond Length Distortion: Resonance causes the bonds between oxygen and nitrogen to exhibit partial double bond behavior, which affects the bonds’ lengths.
  • Bond Angle: NO3 has a bond angle of about 120 degrees because of its trigonal planar geometry.
  • Molecular Geometry: NO3’s trigonal planar molecular geometry, which determines its general shape, is the result of sp2 hybridization.

Structure of NO3 is trigonal planar

Hybridization of NO3 – Conclusion

Knowledge of NO3’s hybridization is crucial to understanding its molecular structure. Certain bond properties are the result of the nitrogen atom’s sp2 hybridization in NO3, such as a trigonal planar geometry and bond length distortion. We can better understand NO3 and its role in various chemical processes with the help of this knowledge.

Molecular Feature




Bond Length Distortion

Partial double bond character

Bond Angle

Approximately 120 degrees

Molecular Geometry

Trigonal planar

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Hybridization of NO3 – FAQs

1. How many Sigma Bond are formed with Nitrogen in NO3?

Nitrogen structures three sigma bonds with every oxygen molecule in NO3, bringing about a sum of three sigma bonds.

2. Is NO3 a Polar Particle?

No, NO3 is a nonpolar particle because of its symmetric three-sided planar calculation, which brings about a cancelation of dipole minutes.

3. What is the Hybridization of Nitrogen in NO3?

The hybridization plan of nitrogen in NO3 is sp2, where one 2s orbital and two 2p orbitals of nitrogen blend to frame three sp2 crossover orbitals.

4. How many Hybrid Orbitals are Formed in Hybridization of NO3?

There are three hybrid orbitals formed in hybridization of NO3

5. What is the Structure of NO3?

The structure of NO3 is Trigonal Planar

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