Human Resources – Characteristics, Population Density, Factors Affecting

Human Resources: Individuals are a country’s most noteworthy asset. Individuals with their requests and capacities transform nature’s abundance into ‘assets’. Thus solid, instructed, and spurred individuals to foster assets according to their prerequisites. HR like different assets are not similarly appropriated over the world and vary in their instructive levels, age, and sex. Their numbers and attributes likewise continue to change. The Government of India has a Ministry of Human Resource Development which was made in 1985 with a plan to work on relationship-building abilities. This simply demonstrates how notable individuals are as an asset to the country.

Human Resources

Characteristics of Human Resources

The one-of-a-kind, curious, and particular highlights of HR are as under:

  • Human asset is the main element of creation that lives.
  • Human assets made any remaining assets.
  • Just the work of representatives is recruited and not the representative himself.
  • Human asset displays development and inventiveness.
  • Human assets alone can think, act, break down, and decipher.
  • HR are personal creatures.
  • HR can be inspired either monetarily or non-monetarily.

Density of Population

The most widely recognized sort among the computations of populace thickness is characterized by the number of people per square kilometre. Estimations of populace thickness portray the convergence of populace over specific spatial units, and the Census of India utilizes the number of people per square kilometre as its rule technique with which to gauge populace thickness. In any case, given the convincing impact of geology over the spatial circulation of populaces, topographical units can likewise be considered as substantial units in computations of populace thickness.

According to the 2011 Census, GoI, the populace thickness of India as far as number of people per square kilometre had contacted 382 people for every sq. km when contrasted with 325 people for each sq. km in the 2001 Census. This addresses an ascent by around 57 individuals for every sq. km of India on normal when contrasted with the last Census. Just around 2.4 percent of the world’s complete region includes India, yet Indians compensate for 17.5 percent of the total populace. According to the 1901 Census, the populace thickness of India was only 77 people for every sq. km. As a matter of fact, India’s populace thickness fell between 1911 to the 1921 Census by 1.2 percent. From that point forward India’s populace thickness has been consistently ascending with a lot higher rate of development.

Populace Density by Geographical Regions

The Census of India has made endeavors to likewise plan populace thickness concerning geological areas. In this 6 locales across India have been recognized for estimations of populace thickness.

The northern district incorporates the 7 states and association regions of Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Chandigarh, Haryana, Delhi and Rajasthan and has a populace thickness of 267 people for every sq km according to the 2011 Census. The focal district incorporates the 4 territories of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh and has a populace thickness of 417 people for each sq. km.

The eastern district incorporates the 6 states and association domains of Bihar, Sikkim, West Bengal, Jharkhand, Odisha and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and has a populace thickness of 625 people for each sq km. The north-eastern district incorporates the 7 territories of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya and Assam and has a populace thickness of 176 people for each sq. km.

The western district incorporates the 4 states and association domains of Gujarat, Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Maharashtra and has a populace thickness of 344 people for each sq km. The southern district incorporates the 7 states and association domains of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Goa, Lakshadweep, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry and has a populace thickness of 397 people for each sq. km.

The most noteworthy populace thickness subsequently was in the eastern locale that incorporated the thickly populated provinces of Bihar and West Bengal. The most minimal populace thickness was noticed for the north-eastern district in the 2011 Census. Since the 2001 Census the most elevated pace of expansion in populace thickness has been noticed for the focal northern and eastern districts while lower expansions in populace thickness have been noticed for the western, southern and the north-eastern area. The most noteworthy pace of increment was noticed for the focal district with 20.31 percent while the least pace of increment was noticed for the southern area with 12.58 percent.

This circulation will in general concur with the Heartland Theory in the international hypothesis that views at political advancement as based around focal regions called the heartland regions. In this the Gangetic Plain arises as the segment heartland in India, with the most elevated populace thickness present the focal locale and furthermore in the eastern area containing Bihar and West Bengal among states. A higher populace thickness nonetheless, expands the heap on regular assets and the climate, particularly on account of waste in metropolitan regions, which can seriously contaminate the climate.

Actual Factors Affecting Population Density in India

The geology of India can assume a fundamental part in impacting the populace thickness of India. The actual variables can incorporate geology, environment, soil conditions, and so on.


Human settlements numerous a period are laid out around geographical highlights. Whether it were the ridge towns in early Nagaland that would offer protection against assaults by foe clans or settlements near water sources, for example, the significant urban communities close to extraordinary streams, for example, Delhi and Kanpur, geology plays had an unequivocal impact in agglomeration of settlements and populace thickness.


Climatic factors, for example, how much precipitation can vigorously impact the spatial dissemination of the populace. In the dry and generally parched province of Rajasthan for instance, which can likewise display limits of temperature, populace thickness is very low. Temperature in this way can likewise impact the spatial dispersion of populaces. In India’s Himalayan district for instance, the very cold and wet circumstances will more often than not beat high populace thickness down. Any place, limits of environment happen, one might say that populace thickness for the most part will in general be less. With environmental change not too far off, the furthest points of the environment could observe an expansion in specific areas.


Albeit contemporary society is exceptionally industrialized with expanding paces of urbanization, in India around 75% of the all-out populace live in towns and practice fundamentally horticulture. Farming and partnered exercises meet the business needs of these individuals, which is intensely reliant upon the richness and different characteristics of the dirt. Because of alluvial soil being available for instance, the northern fields, seaside areas and furthermore the deltaic districts of India will generally have high populace densities.

Importance of Human Resource

  • Talent acquisition and retention: HR plays a vital role in attracting and recruiting talented individuals who align with the organization’s goals and culture. They employ various strategies such as job advertisements, interviews, and assessments to identify and hire the right candidates. Furthermore, HR also focuses on employee retention strategies to ensure that skilled employees stay with the organization, reducing turnover and associated costs.
  • Employee development and training: HR is responsible for designing and implementing training and development programs that enhance employees’ skills and competencies. By investing in employee growth, organizations can improve overall performance, increase employee engagement and satisfaction, and develop a talent pipeline for future leadership roles.
  • Performance management: HR establishes performance management systems to set performance expectations, provide regular feedback, and assess employee performance. This process helps align individual goals with organizational objectives, identifies areas for improvement, recognizes high performers, and supports employees in their professional growth.
  • Employee relations and engagement: HR manages employee relations by fostering a positive work environment, addressing conflicts, and ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations. They also implement strategies to enhance employee engagement, such as recognition programs, communication channels, and employee feedback mechanisms. Engaged employees are more motivated, productive, and committed to the organization’s success.
  • Compensation and benefits: HR designs and administers compensation and benefits programs that attract, motivate, and retain employees. This includes salary structures, performance-based incentives, health insurance, retirement plans, and other perks. Fair and competitive compensation packages help in attracting top talent and ensuring employee satisfaction.
  • Organizational culture and values: HR plays a crucial role in shaping and maintaining the organizational culture and values. They develop policies, procedures, and practices that align with the organization’s mission and vision. HR also fosters diversity and inclusion initiatives, promoting a respectful and inclusive workplace that values individual differences and perspectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does populace thickness influence assets?

Populace thickness can adversely affect our current circumstance and regular assets. These tensions can prompt deforestation, bring about congestion, and could prompt the obliteration of our planet’s sensitive biological system. Developing populaces utilize a lot of nonrenewable assets like wood, coal, and oil.

What is the connection betweenthe populace and HR?

Human asset improvement is subject to diminished populace development rates, however quick populace development is definitely not an inconceivable deterrent to accomplishing more significant levels of instruction. Fast populace development is a more noteworthy hindrance in less fortunate nations.

How does populace thickness function?

Populace thickness is an estimation of the quantity of individuals in a space. It is a typical number. Populace thickness is determined by partitioning the quantity of individuals by region. Populace thickness is generally displayed as the quantity of individuals per square kilometer.

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