HTML <td> valign Attribute

The HTML <td> valign attribute specifies the vertical alignment of content within a table cell. It can accept values such as top, middle, bottom, or baseline to control the positioning of content. If not explicitly set, the content in a table cell is vertically aligned to the middle by default.

Note: The <td> valign Attribute is not supported by HTML5.


<td valign="top | middle | bottom | baseline">

Supported Tags:

colSpecifies column properties for each column within colgroup or table.
colgroupGroups columns, allowing styling and other attributes to be applied.
tbodyContains the main content rows in a table.
tdRepresents data cells within a table row.
tfootDefines footer content for a table.
thSpecifies header cells, typically bold and centered.
theadEncloses header rows, often styled differently from tbody.
trRepresents a row of cells within a table.

Attribute Value:




It sets the content to top-align.


It sets the content to middle-align.


It sets the content to bottom-align.


It sets the content to baseline. The baseline is the line where most of the characters sit. It is a default value.

Examples of HTML <td> valign Attribute

Example 1: In this example we demonstrates vertical alignment within table cells using the valign attribute. Each cell’s content is aligned to the top, middle, or bottom, affecting their position within the cell.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Vertical Alignment Example</title>


    <h3>Vertical Alignment Example</h3>
    <table border="1">
            <td valign="top" style="height: 100px;">
                Top Aligned
            <td valign="middle" style="height: 100px;">
                Middle Aligned
            <td valign="bottom" style="height: 100px;">
                Bottom Aligned




valign Attribute" height="286" src="/public/files/Vertical-Alignment-Example.png" width="329">
HTML valign Attribute Example Output

Example: In this example we will see the implementation of above td valign tag with an example.

<!DOCTYPE html>

        HTML td valign Attribute


    <h2>HTML td valign Attribute</h2>

    <table border="1" width="500">

        <tr style="height:50px;">
            <td valign="top">BITTU</td>
            <td valign="center">22</td>
            <td valign="bottom">CSE</td>

        <tr style="height:50px;">
            <td valign="bottom">RAKESH</td>
            <td valign="center">25</td>
            <td valign="top">EC</td>



valign Attribute" height="inherit" loading="lazy" src="/public/files/tdalign.jpg" width="inherit">

Supported Browsers:

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