HTML | <spacer> tag

The HTML <spacer> tag is used to create some white-space. This tag is history in HTML5, there is no more support in HTML5 also this tag does not support by any major browsers.

<spacer type="" size="">


  • type: This attribute holds the value for the type of space horizontal, vertical or block.
  • size: This attribute holds a number of pixels for the horizontal or vertical type of spacer.
  • height: This attribute holds the pixel number for block type spacer.
  • width: This attribute holds the pixel number for block type spacer.
  • align: This attribute holds the alignment of the block of white-space.

Below example illustrate the HTML <spacer> tag:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>HTML <spacer> Tag</title>
        h1 {
            color: green;
        <h2>HTML <spacer> tag</h2>
        <p>A Computer Science Portal
            <spacer type="block" width="50" /> for Beginner</p>


Supported Browsers: The <spacer> tag does not supported by major browsers:

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