HTML <nobr> Tag

The <nobr> tag is used to create a single line text, that does not matter how long the statement is, this tag is used with <wbr> tag. The created single-line statement brings the horizontal scroll to read the whole line. The <nobr> tag is the exact opposite of <br> tag. You can use the CSS white-space property as a replacement of this tag. 

Note: <nobr> tag is not supported in html5.


<nobr> Statement </nobr>


This tag doesn’t contain any attribute. The below example illustrates the HTML <nobr> tags: 



<!Doctype html>
  <title>HTML nobr Tag</title>
  <isindex prompt="Search" />
    h1 {
      color: green;
    <h4>HTML <nobr> tag</h4>
      Articles that need little
      from reviewers are published first.
      To quickly get your
      articles reviewed, please
      refer existing articles, their
      formating style, coding style,
      and try to make your close
      to them.



Supported Browsers:

The browsers supported by HTML <nobr> tag are listed below:

  • Google Chrome 1
  • Edge 12
  • Firefox 1
  • Opera 15
  • Safari 4

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