HTML <input type=”reset”>

HTML <input type=”reset”> defines a button that resets form fields to their default values when clicked, allowing users to clear input data easily.

HTML <input type=”reset”> Syntax:

<input type="reset">

HTML <input type=”reset”> Example: 

In this example, we are using a basic implementation of the input reset type.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML Input Type reset
        <h2>HTML Input Type reset</h2>
        <form action="/action_page.php">
            <!-- Email input -->
            <label for="email">Enter your email:</label>
            <input type="email" id="email" name="email"><br><br>
            <!-- PIN input -->
            <label for="pin">Enter a PIN:</label>
            <input type="text" id="pin" name="pin" maxlength="10"><br><br>
            <!-- Reset button: Resets form fields to defaults when clicked. -->
            <input type="reset" value="Reset">
            <!-- Submit button -->
            <input type="submit" value="Submit">


Example Output" height="428" src="/public/files/inputReset.gif" width="675">
HTML <input type=”reset”> Output

HTML <input type=”reset”> Example Explanation

  • In this example we created a html form with input fields for name and password.
  • Includes submit button to send data.
  • Add <input type=”reset”> alongside <input type=”submit”>.
  • Email and PIN inputs with corresponding labels for user input.
  • A reset button provided to clear all form fields when clicked.
  • A submit button included to send form data to the specified action URL

HTML <input type=”reset”> Use Cases

To create a reset button in a form using HTML, use the `<input type=”reset”>` element within the <form> tags.

Use the HTML <input type=”reset”> element within a <form> to create a button that resets all form values.

To reset an input type=”file” element using JavaScript/jQuery, set its value to an empty string or use the .val(”) method.

To reset a form using jQuery’s .reset() method, select the form element and call .trigger(‘reset’) or .find(‘:input’).val(”) to reset input values.

HTML <input type=”reset”> Supported Browsers

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