HTML height Attribute

The HTML height attribute is used to specify the height of the Element. It can be used on the following elements: 




The <canvas> element is used for drawing graphics dynamically.


<embed> element embeds external content like multimedia within HTML documents.


<iframe> element embeds another webpage within an HTML document.


<img> element displays images within an HTML document.


<object> element embeds external content or plugins within HTML documents.


<input> element allows user input within forms in HTML documents.


<element height="value" >

Example 1: In this example we the HTML height attribute sets the height of a canvas element, defining its vertical dimension, often used for rendering graphics or animations.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>HTML height Attribute</title>
        <h2>HTML | height Attribute</h2>
        <!-- canvas Tag starts here -->
            style="border: 1px solid black"
        <!-- canvas Tag ends here -->


HTML height Attribute Example Output

Supported Browsers: The browser supported by HTML height Attribute are listed below:  

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