HTML | dropzone Attribute

The dropzone attribute in HTML is used to specify whether the dragged data copied, moved, or linked when it is dropped on any element. This attribute is new in HTML5.


<element dropzone = "move | link | copy">

Attribute Value:

  • move: This attribute is used to drag the data and drop it into new location.
  • copy:This attribute is used to copy the drag data into new location.
  • link: This attribute is used to drop the data will result into original data.


<!DOCTYPE html> 
      <title>ruby tag</title>
         body { 
         h1 { 
      <h2> dropzone attribute</h2>
      <div dropzone="copy">GFG</div>
      <div dropzone="move">GFG</div>
      <div dropzone="link">GFG</div>


Note: The dropzone attribute doesn’t support by the popular browsers.

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