HTML DOM Video startDate Property

The Video startDate property is used for returning a Date object which represents the current timeline offset of the video. The application of the Video startDate property is used to enable accurate synchronization of video streamed live over the internet. 



The below program illustrates the Video startDate() property : 

Example: Getting the current timeline offset of the video. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        Video startDate() Property
<body style="text-align: center">
    <h1 style="color: green">
    <h2 style="font-family: Impact">
        Video startDate() Property
    <video id="Test_Video" width="360"
           height="240" controls>
        <source id="mp4_source"
        <source id="ogg_source"
          To get the current timeline offset of
        the video, double click the "Return
        Timeline Offset" button.
    <button ondblclick="My_Video()">
        Return Timeline Offset
    <p id="test"></p>
        function My_Video() {
           let v =
                "test").innerHTML = v;



Supported browsers: The major browsers are not supported by HTML | DOM Video startDate Property.

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