HTML | DOM Style wordWrap Property

The Style wordWrap property in HTML DOM is used to set or return whether long words should be broken to wrap around to the next line.


  • To get the wordWrap property
  • To set the wordWrap property = "normal|break-word|initial|inherit"

Property Values:

  • normal: This is used to break long words only at the break points.

    Return Values: It returns a string value, which representing the word-wrap property of an element


    <!DOCTYPE html>
          DOM Style wordWrap Property
            .content {
                border: 1px solid;
                height: 200px;
                width: 200px;
                word-wrap: break-word;
        <h1 style="color: green">
          DOM Style wordWrap Property
          The wordWrap property specifies whether
          long words should be broken to wrap 
          around to the next line.
        <div class="content">
        <button onclick="setWordWrap()">
          Change wordWrap
        <!-- Script to set wordWrap to normal -->
            function setWordWrap() {
                elem = document.querySelector('.content');
       = 'normal';



    • Before clicking the button:
    • After clicking the button:
  • break-word: This is used to allow unbreakable words to be broken to the next line.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
          DOM Style wordWrap Property
            .content {
                border: 1px solid;
                height: 200px;
                width: 200px;
        <h1 style="color: green">
          DOM Style wordWrap Property
            The wordWrap property specifies
          whether long words should be broken
          to wrap around to the next line.
        <div class="content">
        <button onclick="setWordWrap()">
          Change wordWrap
        <!-- Script to set wordWrap to break-word -->
            function setWordWrap() {
                elem = document.querySelector('.content');
       = 'break-word';



    • Before clicking the button:
    • After clicking the button:
  • initial: This is used to set the property to its default value.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
          DOM Style wordWrap Property
            .content {
                border: 1px solid;
                height: 200px;
                width: 200px;
                word-wrap: break-word;
        <h1 style="color: green">
        <b>DOM Style wordWrap Property</b>
            The wordWrap property specifies 
          whether long words should be broken
          to wrap around to the next line.
        <div class="content">
        <button onclick="setWordWrap()">
          Change wordWrap
        <!-- Script to set wordWrap to initial -->
            function setWordWrap() {
              elem = document.querySelector('.content');
     = 'initial';



    • Before clicking the button:

    • After clicking the button:

  • inherit: This is used to inherit the value from the parent of the element.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
          DOM Style wordWrap Property
            #parent {
                word-wrap: break-word;
            .content {
                border: 1px solid;
                height: 200px;
                width: 200px;
                word-wrap: normal;
        <h1 style="color: green">
          DOM Style wordWrap Property
            The wordWrap property specifies whether 
          long words should be broken to wrap around
          to the next line.
        <div id="parent">
            <div class="content">
        <button onclick="setWordWrap()">
          Change wordWrap
        <!-- Script to set wordWrap to inherit -->
            function setWordWrap() {
                elem = document.querySelector('.content');
       = 'inherit';



    • Before clicking the button:
    • After clicking the button:

Supported Browsers: The browser supported by DOM Style wordWrap Property are listed below:

  • Google Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera
  • Safari

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