HTML | DOM Style right Property

The Style right property in HTML DOM is used to set or return the right position of a positioned element including padding, scrollbar, border, and margin. 


  • It is used to return the right property:
  • It is used to set the right property: = "auto|length|%|initial|inherit"

Return Values: It returns a string that represents the right position of a positioned element

Property Value Description:

  • auto- This value automatically sets the default right value by the browser.
  • length- This value sets the right value in the specified length units. This specified length can be positive as well as negative.
  • %- Percentage value sets the right value in the specified percentage of the parent element’s width.
  • initial- This value sets the right property to its browser’s default value.
  • inherit- This value sets the right property to the value from its parent element.

Example 1: 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML | DOM Style right Property
        #GfG {
            position: absolute;
            background-color: green;
            color: white;
    <h1> Beginner for Beginner </h1>
    <h2> HTML|DOM Style right Property </h2>
    <button onclick="myFunction()">Click here</button>
    <GfG id="GfG">
        function myFunction() {
            .style.right = "100px";


  • Before click on the button:
  • After click on the button: Example 2: 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML | DOM Style right Property
        #myGfG {
            border: 1px solid #FF0000;
            position: relative;
    <h1> Beginner for Beginner </h1>
    <h2> HTML|DOM Style right Property </h2>
    <GfG id="myGfG">Welcome to Beginner for Beginner.</GfG>
    <button type="button" onclick="myFunction()">
     Click Here!
        function myFunction() {
                .style.right = "-200px";
        < GfG id = "myGfG" > Welcome to Beginner
        for Beginner. < /GfG> < br >
        < button type = "button"
        onclick = "myFunction()" > Click Here! < /button>
        < script >
            function myFunction() {
                    .style.right = "-200px";

  • Output:
    • Before click on the button:
    • After click on the button:

Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome 1 and above
  • Edge 12 and above
  • Internet Explorer 5.5 and above
  • Firefox 1 and above
  • Opera 5 and above
  • Safari 1 and above

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