HTML | DOM Style filter Property

The DOM Style filter Property in HTML DOM is used to add visual effects or filter effects to images


  • Return filter property:
  • Set filter property: = "none| blur() |brightness() |contrast() | 
drop-shadow() |grayscale() |hue-rotate() |invert() |opacity() |
saturate() | sepia()"


Filter Description
none It sets the effect to none.
blur It sets the effect to blur.
brightness(%) It adjusts the brightness.
contrast(%) It adjusts the contrast of the image.
drop-shadow It sets the effect to drop shadow.
h-shadow It sets the horizontal shadow.
v-shadow It sets the vertical shadow.
blur It sets blur effect in pixels.
spread It sets the image to grow and expand.
color It adds color to the shadows.
grayscale(%) It sets the image to grayscale.
hue-rotate(deg) It sets hue rotation on the image.
invert(%) It inverts the samples in the image.
opacity(%) It sets the opacity level for the image.
saturate(%) It saturates the image.
sepia(%) It sets the image to sepia.

Return Value: It returns the image with added visual effects. 

Example-1: Set the filter property to Grayscale


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML | DOM Style filter Property
        h1 {
            color: green;
        <button onclick="img()">Press</button>
          Clicking on the 'Press' button will
          set the filter property to grayscale.
        <img id="gfg" src=
             alt="Mountain View" width="300" height="250">
            function img() {
                    "gfg").style.filter = "grayscale(100%)";


Before clicking on the button:


After clicking on the button:


Example-2: Set the filter property to Opacity


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML | DOM Style filter Property
        h1 {
            color: green;
        <button onclick="img()">
          Clicking on the 'Press' button will
          set the filter property to grayscale.
        <img id="gfg" src=
             alt="Mountain View" width="300" height="250">
            function img() {
                    "gfg").style.filter = "opacity(50%)";


Before clicking on the button:


After clicking on the button:


Example-3: Set the filter property to Invert


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML | DOM Style filter Property
        h1 {
            color: green;
        <button onclick="img()">
              Clicking on the 'Press' button will
              set the filter property to grayscale.
        <img id="gfg" src=
             alt="Mountain View" width="300" height="250">
            function img() {
                    "gfg").style.filter = "invert(100%)";


Before clicking on the button:


After clicking on the button:


Browser Support: The browsers supported by HTML DOM Style filter property are listed below:

  • Google Chrome 53.0
  • Edge 12.0
  • Internet Explorer not supported
  • Firefox 35.0
  • Opera 40.0
  • Safari 9.1

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