HTML | DOM Storage removeItem() Method

The DOM Storage removeItem() Method is related to the Storage object and is used to remove the specified storage object item. Storage object can be either a localStorage or sessionStorage Object.


  • Local Storage Remove Item: 
  • Session Storage Remove Item: 

Parameters: It accepts a required parameter keyname i.e. name of the item to the removed.

Return Values: It doesn’t return any value.

Below is the HTML code to show the working of HTML DOM Storage removeItem() Object: 

Example 1: 


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML DOM Storage removeItem() Method
        <!-- Script to get the name of the key -->
        function myBeginner() {
        // Storing key present at 0th index
        var key = localStorage.key(0);
        // Removing key at 0th index
        // Printing key at 0th index
        var key2 = localStorage.key(0);
        document.getElementById("Beginner").innerHTML =
        "Previous value at 0th index was " + key + "<br>"
        + "Current value at 0th index is " + key2;
    <h2 >DOM Storage removeItem() Method</h2>
    <button onclick="myBeginner()">
    <p id="Beginner"></p>


  • Before Click: 

  • After Click: 

Below is the HTML code to show the working of HTML DOM Storage removeItem() Object: 

Example 2: Session item. 


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1 style="color: green;">
      Beginner for Beginner</h1>
    <h2>Storage removeItem() Method</h2>
<p>Display Session Item</p>
    <button onclick="displayItem()">Display</button>
<p>Delete Session Item:</p>
    <button onclick="deleteItem()">Delete</button>
    <p id="try"></p>
        // set item.
          "gfg", "I am created");
        function deleteItem() {
            // Remove item.
        function displayItem() {
            //  Display item.
            var remove_item =
              "try").innerHTML = remove_item;


  • Before Click: 

  • After Click: 

Supported Browsers: The browser supported by DOM Storage removeItem() are listed below: 

  • Google Chrome 4 and above
  • Edge 12 and above
  • Internet Explorer 8 and above
  • Firefox 3.5 and above
  • Opera 10.5 and above
  • Safari 4 and above

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