HTML DOM onmouseout Event

The HTML DOM onmouseout event occurs when the mouse pointer is moved out of an element or its children.

Supported Tags: It supports All HTML elements, EXCEPT:

  • <base>
  • <bdo>
  • <br>
  • <head>
  • <html>
  • <iframe>
  • <meta>
  • <param>
  • <script>
  • <style>
  • <title>


  • In HTML: 
<element onmouseout="myScript">
  • In JavaScript: 
object.onmouseout = function(){myScript};
  • In JavaScript, using the addEventListener() method: 
object.addEventListener("mouseout", myScript);

Example: Using the addEventListener() method 


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>DOM onmouseout Event</title>
    <h1 id="hID">
    <h2>DOM onmouseout Event</h2>
                "mouseover", over);
                "mouseout", out);
        function over() {
                "hID").style.color = "green";
        function out() {
                "hID").style.color = "black";


Supported Browsers: The browsers supported by HTML DOM onmouseout event are listed below: 

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Apple Safari
  • Opera

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