HTML DOM console log() Method

The console.log() method in HTML is used for writing a message in the console. It indicates an important message during the testing of any program. The message is sent as a parameter to the console.log() method


console.log( message )





It is mandatory and used to specify the information to be written on the console. 

HTML DOM console log() Method Examples

Example 1: In This example we demonstrates the use of the DOM console.log() method. Clicking the button triggers a function that logs a message to the browser console, allowing developers to view it by pressing F12 or inspecting the page.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>DOM console.log() Method</title>
            DOM console.log() Method
            To view the message in the console
            press the F12 key on your keyboard.
            To view the message, click the button below:
        <button onclick="log_console()">
             View Message
            function log_console() {
                console.log("w3wiki is a portal for Beginner.");


Example 2: In this example, we showcases the DOM console.log() method. Clicking the button triggers a JavaScript function, logging an object containing product information to the console for viewing.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>DOM console.log() Method</title>
        <h2>DOM console.log( ) Method</h2>
            To view the message in the console
            press the F12 key on your keyboard.
            To view the message, click the button
        <br />
        <button onclick="log_console()">
            View Message
            function log_console() {
                let MyElement = {
                    Product: "Coca Cola",
                    Type: "Beverage",


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