HTML contenteditable Attribute

The HTML contenteditable attribute determines if element content is editable. It defaults to inheriting from the parent element. As a global attribute, it allows versatile content manipulation within the webpage directly.


<element contenteditable = "true|false">

Supported Tags

It supports all HTML elements. 

Attribute Value

A contenteditable attribute is mainly an instance of a Global Attribute and it can be used in any HTML element. This attribute value contain the following values:

Attribute Value Description
true or empty string Indicates the element is editable.
false Indicates the element is not editable.
plaintext-only Indicates the raw text of the element is editable, while rich text features are disabled.

HTML contenteditable Attribute Examples

Example 1: In this example we use contenteditable attribute enables editing within specified elements. Here, a paragraph is made editable, allowing direct manipulation of its text content.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>contenteditable attribute</title>
        <h2>contenteditable attribute</h2>
        <p contenteditable="true">
            w3wiki: A computer science
            portal for Beginner


HTML contenteditable Attribute example output

Example 2: In this example we use contenteditable attribute allows direct editing of specified elements. Here, paragraphs are made editable with “true” and “plaintext-only” values, enabling text manipulation within the webpage.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>contenteditable attribute</title>
        <h2>contenteditable attribute</h2>
        <p contenteditable="true">
        <p contenteditable="plaintext-only">


HTML contenteditable Attribute example output

Supported Browsers

The browser supported by contenteditable attribute are listed below: 

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