HTML <a> charset Attribute

HTML <a> charset attribute specifies the character encoding for an external resource linked with the HTML anchor element. It ensures proper interpretation of text by defining the character set used in the linked resource.

Note: It is not supported by HTML5.


<a charset="value">

Attribute Values:

It contains the value charset which specifies the character encoding for the external scripts.

  • “ISO-8859-1”: It is used for the Standard encoding for the Latin alphabet.
  • “UTF-8”: It is used for the Character encoding for Unicode. Compatible with ASCII.

HTML <a> charset Attribute Examples

Example: This example display the use of charset attribute of anchor tag


<!DOCTYPE html>
        HTML a charset Attribute
    <p>Welcome to
        <a charset="UTF-8"



  • In the above example The HTML <a> element creates a hyperlink.
  • The charset attribute specifies the character encoding for the linked resource.
  • In the example, charset=”UTF-8″ ensures proper interpretation of characters.
  • It’s typically used with external resources like stylesheets and scripts.

Supported Browsers

  • No browser supports


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