HSBC Technology Interview Experience | Software Engineer Trainee

       2020 graduating batch

       CSE/IT/ETC/E&I/ EEE/E&Control System students were allowed for the exam.

Round 1.1: 

It was a written round consisting of logical, aptitude, verbal and technical MCQs.  Written test was on Cocubes platform.

Quantitative aptitude and Logical part had average level questions. Verbal questions were easy. Technical questions covered Computer Network, Data Structure, Web Technology and Pseudo codes

Suggestion: I would suggest to do practice from R.S.Agarwal and site like indiabix. Do practice technical MCQs from w3wiki and Sanfoundry.

Tips: There was sectional cutoff. So, try to attempt all sections correctly. There will be questions which you would see first time in exam. Don’t panic. Read the question carefully and mark the answer which comes to you in first instinct.

Round 1.2: If you qualify Round 1.1 then only you are allowed to proceed to the next round that is a coding test of 30 minutes consisting of two problems.

Question 1: Enter two numbers N and x. If x is even then print the sum of odd position numbers present in N and if x is odd then print the sum of odd position numbers present in N. (The question was not written directly like this. It was a long question which had this logic behind)

Test case 1: Input: N= 1250, x=2;

Output: 6

Test Case 2: Input: N=128456, x=7;

Output: 12.

Question 2: Enter two words String1 and String2 and return the sum with more weight. If weights are same then return -1. Weight is the sum of ASCII values of the alphabets in the string.

Test Case 1: Input:String 1 – say, String 2 – ball .

Output: 45

Explanation: say(s-19, a-1, y-25) sum is 45, ball(b-2, a-1, l-12) sum is 27 ; Weight=45

Round 2: 

Technical Interview which was about an hour.

Q1: Is it possible to execute Java code without main method?

Q2: What is a Thread? How do you make a thread in Java? Can a dead thread be started again?

Q3: What is Copy Constructor in Java?(Hint: Copy constructor concept doesn’t exist in java)

Q4: Explain constructor overloading.

Q5: Can we override static methods of a class?

Q6: Static and Initialization block.

Q7: Explain Cross Join in DBMS.

Q8: Difference between truncate and delete.

Q9: Difference between ‘where’ and ‘having’ in SQL.

Q10: Write a query to find the names of person admitted in 2015.(table consists of columns                                     name(varchar) and Date(datetime)

Q11: What are user defined functions in SQL?

Q12: What happens after you fire a sql query? (How is a sql query executed?)

Q13: An array is having only 1 duplicate number. Find the duplicate number and remove it giving an                   optimized code.

Q14: A number 1250 is given. Print it as one thousand two hundred and fifty. (It shouldn’t be hardcoded            and what if numbers are in crores).

Tips: Not much time was given to think and write the codes. Interviewer just wants to see the approach. Interact with the interviewer properly and ask him to explain the question again if you are not able to understand the question or what he is trying to say.

Few HR questions are also asked in technical round like your strength and weakness.

Round 3:

HR round was for 20 mins.

Q1: How was your day?

Q2: Tell me about yourself.

Q3: Tell me about your family background.

Q4: Explain Internet of Things. (It was mentioned in my resume so interviewer wanted to see that how I                  explain technical terms).

Q5: What do you do apart from studies in extra curricular?

Q6: A recent interest you have developed apart from studies?

Q7: What do you do on weekends?

Q8: Your favourite food?

Q9: Why HSBC though it is a banking sector?

Q10: Any questions for me?(Please do ask good questions. Please do not ask here what will be my job role because that is already given in your job description.)

Tips: Be Confident, have a smile and maintain eye contact.

All the best!

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