HRMA protocol

Hop Reservation Multiple Access (HRMA) Protocol is a Contention Based MAC Protocols with Reservation which is based on time slot-reservation protocol and every slot is given a separate channel frequency.

Handshake component is utilized for reservation to allow nodes sets to save a frequency hop, in this way giving collision free communication and maintaining a strategic distance from covered up terminal issue. After handshaking is done, two nodes communicate by sending data and ACKs on same frequency channels. It is also a multi channel MAC Protocols and it operates in simple half-duplex FHSS radio.

Features :
HRMA gives a pattern to offer QoS in ad-hoc systems dependent on simple half-duplex moderate FHSS radios. Numerical outcomes show that HRMA can accomplish a lot higher throughput than multichannel slotted ALOHA particularly when normal packet length is huge in contrasted with a slot size, in which case most extreme throughput of HRMA is near what can be acquired with a perfect protocol.

Working :

  1. At the point when an inactive node has an information packet to transmit before RTS time of listed slot has begun, node gets out (an arbitrary number of HRMA slot) if HR time frame contains a HR packet.
  2. In any case node sends an RTS to planned collector and hold up for CTS. At the point when planned receiver node gets a RTS it answers with a CTS packet during CTS time of a similar slot, and it remains on a similar frequency jump waiting for information packet.
  3. On the off chance that sender node gets no CTS it back off and retries during another slot. If anyway it gets CTS packet, it at that point stays on the same frequency hop of present slot and starts sending information packet to beneficiary.
  4. Both transmitter and receiver nodes remain on a similar frequency hop until finish of information packet transmission.
  5. After the CTS time of an slot, every single other node that are definitely not transmitting or accepting hop synchronize and afterward hop to the following frequency hop in basic hopping frequency pattern.
  6. In the event that an idle node has an information packet to transmit after HR time of a given slot is ended, it eases off and attempts in another slot.

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