How URL is Converted to IP Address?

Answer: A URL is converted to an IP address through a process called DNS resolution, where the domain name is looked up in DNS servers to find its corresponding IP address.

URL Entry

When you type a URL into your web browser, it needs to determine the IP address of the server hosting the website.

DNS Lookup

Your browser queries a DNS server to find the corresponding IP address for the domain name in the URL. The DNS server acts like a phone book for the internet, translating human-friendly domain names into machine-friendly IP addresses.

DNS Response

The DNS server responds with the IP address of the website’s server.

Browser Connection

With the IP address, your browser can establish a connection to the website’s server, allowing it to send and receive information, which is displayed as a webpage.


DNS resolution converts domain names into IP addresses, allowing browsers to find and display websites by translating user-friendly URLs into the numerical addresses used for network communication.

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