How to write comments in HTML ?

In this article, we have to pass a comment for an HTML by using <!– Comment –> tag. In html, we can add single-line comments and multi-line comments. These are used to insert comments in the HTML code. It is helpful to understand complex code. The comment tag is useful during the debugging of the codes.
Syntax: Single line comment

<!-- Comments here -->

Syntax: Multi line comment

 This is 
multi line

Example: The following code illustrates a single line comment.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- single line comment -->
        HTML5: How to comment HTML tags?
    <!-- Paragraph element -->


Example 2: The following code illustrates the multi line comment.

<!DOCTYPE html>                                           
        <!-- Multi line comment -->
        HTML5: How to comment HTML tags?
    <!-- The multi-line comment is useful
        to comment multiple lines
        Paragraph element  -->
<p>w3wiki </p>
        It is a Good platform For
        Computer science students


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