How to write 15 as a fraction?

Numbers are a requirement of day-to-day life, we need numerical values to perform some operations. The number is used to represent numerical values. For example, three girls are talking. Here three represent quantity. The numbers are used in operations like arithmetic, algebra, and many more.  

Some types of numbers are natural and whole, rational and irrational, and many more examples.

What is a Number System?

Representation of numbers using digits and symbols is known as the numbers system. Its sub-categories are natural number, whole number, integer, and fraction.

What are Numbers?

Numbers are a representation of quantity for calculations. For example 1,2, 3, 4, 5…, etc.

Types of number

  • Natural Numbers (N): Positive integer and counting numbers are also known as Natural numbers, these are the numbers starting from 1 till infinite. Notation is N. Examples of natural numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4,5,6, …
  • Whole Numbers (W): Positive integer numbers with 0 or Natural numbers with 0 are known as Whole numbers. The whole number is denoted by W. Examples of whole numbers are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, …
  • Fraction: Fraction is part of a whole number and is written in the form of c/d where d is the denominator and c is the numerator. Examples of fractions are 2/5,-2/5,1/5…[Note: The denominator cannot be 0, but the numerator can be].
  • Integers (Z):  A number that includes positive, negative, and zero excluding the decimal value is called Integer. It is denoted by Z. Examples are …,-1, 0, 1, …

Steps to Write a number as a fraction:

Step 1: Convert the given value into integer parts.

Step 2: First integral part is the numerator.

Step 3: Second integer part is the denominator. If there isn’t a denominator after conversion use 1 as the denominator.

How to write 15 as a fraction?


Step 1: Convert the given value into integers i.e. 15.

Step 2 First integral part is the numerator which is 15.

Step 3 Second integer part is the denominator which is 1.

The fraction of 15 is 15/1.

Hence, the fraction of the integer is 15/1.

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Question 1: What is 10 as a fraction?


Step 1: Convert the given value integer is 10.

Step 2: First integral part is the numerator which is 10.

Step 3: Second integer part is the denominator which is 1.

The fraction of 10 is 10/1.

Hence, the fraction of the integer is 10/1.

Question 2: What is 1.25 as a fraction?


Step 1: Convert the given value integer is,

(1.25 × 4) ÷ 4 = 5/4

Step 2: First integral part is the numerator which is 5.

Step 3: Second integer part is the denominator which is 4.

The fraction of 1.25 is 5/4.

Hence, the fraction of the integer is 5/4.

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